星期三, 一月 03, 2018

Star Wars The Last Jedi and its strong Chinese Influence

Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi is so Tao. His soul left his body to confront Kylo Ren light years away, that's a typical Taoist practice, the Chinese Taoist term for this is 元神出窍. The way Luke died - "vanishing" in the air, is the greatest way to leave this world for every Tao practicioner , the Chinese Taoist terminology for this is 羽化飞升

In my earlier post, I emphasized the Tao element in the movie The Last Jedi. Now I'd like to share the Zen/Chan 禅 scene from the same movie - Master Yoda summoned a lightning bolt to burn the sacred tree and sacred Jedi classics.

According to the Zen/Chan belief, no words can describe Truth . You can only 'be' in the Truth 不立文字、直指人心.

In fact, Master of Tao - Lao Tzu 老子 also said the same thing: The Way that can be expressed is not the everlasting way. Names that can be named are not changeless names. 道可道 非常道 名可名 非常名

My third post about The Last Jedi.

Besides Tao and Zen, the movie also shows some Confucian elements. Luke revealed that the Force does no belong any Jedi. It is always there to keep the universe in balance. Rey , as a nobody, can also manipulate the Force.

IChing 易经 , one of the Confucian classics, not only tells us about the secret of Ba Gua 八卦 (the Divine Triagram), but also mentions that the entire universe is filled with 2 different types of Qi - the Yin 阴 and the Yang 阳

Confucian Master Mencius 孟子 even shared with all of us the method to nourish Qi 养气, which is always to be in the state of No-Guilt ,No-Regret and most importantly, No-Fear.

