星期五, 五月 16, 2008

What happen to Malaysia?

I am confused. Even tough i am born in Malaysia, but i am not entitled for all the benefits provided by the government!

Since 1970, the Malaysia government has strengthened its policy of restructuring the resource among different races. It categorizes Malaysian into 2 classes, the bumiputra and the non-bumiputra. If you are bumiputra(majority are Malays, the rest are natives in West Malaysia, p.s. all Malays are bumiputra, you are entitled to all kinds of government aids such as higher chance to study at local universities, lower price for a house, lower price for a car, you will be given loan to invest in government-launched mutual funds(imagine, loan interest rate is lower than the fund's interest, it is equivalent to give out money for FREE!), you are guaranteed to get the contracts from the government or government-linked companies and many more!

If you are born as non-bumiputra(Chinese take the majority, the rest are Indians and etc.), you can only dream about this!

In the 50's of last century, Malaysia used to be one of the most prosperous nations in Asia! It is a wonderful land. It has a lot of natural resources such as palm trees, rubber trees, petroleum and a lot more. The people here do not suffer from disasters such as earthquake, typhoon, volcano eruption and so on. Despite having an evil intention of robbing the resources here, British government undeniably introduced a good system here to administrate the nation. They trained a lot of Malays as public servants to assist them in running this country. They brought in Indians from their another colonized land India to work in rubber estates. They opened doors to Chinese to come to this land to work at tin mines and to run businesses. You can see everybody had put a lot of efforts to build a strong economy foundation for Malaysia.

In the 60's, Taiwan and South Korea were still way far behind us. A lot of Taiwan girls longed to get married with Chinese from the then called Malaya. However, they developed so fast and were categorized as the "4 little dragons" during the 80's in Asia! Today they produce so many famous brands such as Acer, BenQ, Asus, Samsung, Hyundai and etc. What do we have in Malaysia? Proton??? Come on, it is still a kid who needs protection from the government! It has been 30 years already! Bear in mind that our neighbors such as Vietnam and Thailand are ready to overtake us! Not to mention China, since years ago it was already ahead of us! They have famous brands nowadays too!

Why Malaysia progressed so slow?? Certainly it is due to the racist policy enforced by the government, to be more exact, from the biggest party in Malaysia which is UMNO. The politicians in UMNO exploit the policy to put most of the money into their own pocket. Then only they give out the remainder! They practiced favouritism. Tthat is why today there are still a lot of poor Malays here in this nation! How many Malay students who are sent to ovesea by Malaysia government did not complete their studies or prolonged their length of study? When you have something free easily, you normally will not appreciate so much!

I only saw government(or UMNO only) did nonsense to save those Malay tycoons during the economic crisis in year 1997! Imagine, due to poor management, a Malay tycoon caused a big corporation which is worth billions of Ringgit(Malaysia currency) to collapse, our cute government bought over the company at an unreasonable price which is few times higher than the company's share value then! Come on man! It's our money! The money belongs to we people!

More disappointing facts are, nowadays still some of the MP(member of parliament) shouting in the parliament to ask Chinese to get out from Malaysia! Come on man, do you think you have enough money to feed your people without Chinese here in Malaysia? To be honest, think about this, Chinese never live in this land, do you think Malaysia can progress so much? It could be today Malaysia is 30 years behind Thailand! How much money had Chinese contributed to Malaysia! Think about it before u said something so stupid!

Over so many years, how much taxes did Chinese pay to the government? How much did government use to do something that brings equal benefits to all Malaysians? Money have been spent to build a lot of Malay schools, contracts have been offered to the "Ali Baba" (a company that gets contracts or licenses and later sells to other companies, often it earns by doing nothing). Chinese have to sacrifice a lot so that they are able to send their children to universities! Chinese have to donate money to get the Chinese schools built! Chinese have to go to oversea such as Singapore to work! The fact is, up to today there are 2 millions of Chinese Malaysians working overseas! Most of them are high rank executives or experts from certain fields! Why does all this happen? Think about it! We are treated as 2nd class citizen! Imagine if these 2 millions of experts work for Malaysia, we could have progressed much more, could not we?

We love this land too! We love the 'varieties' here! Varieties of races, varieties of languages, varieties of food! Yeah! That is Malaysia!

Tell me, fellow Malays out there, is it fair to treat us non-bumiputras this way? Do you guys think that Malaysia will be good without the other races here? a

Is it fair that every public listed companies must give out 30% of their shares to the bumiputras?

The Malay special privilege policy only tells one thing, you guys are still weak and need protection.

Don't you guys feel ashamed? You guys want to be weak and be looked down on forever?

Do you guys know Malaysia is the only nation in this world that practices the policy that protect the majority races?!

Our government are feeding 75% of the Malaysian population with the fortune from the 35% of the population. How long can our nation stands when the fortune that can be 'robbed' from the 35% of the population is getting lesser and lesser?

Tell me!

星期四, 五月 15, 2008

Switched mutual fund to protect my profit!

After 22 months(almost 2 years) of buying Public Ittikal Fund, finally today i decided to switch to another fund to protect my profit.

The return rate of the fund is very impressive. It achieved a total return rate of around 39% which also means around 20% per year on average. Since the day i bought this fund i have been very confident of it as it has a handsome history. The statistics told me this fund is really worth to buy! Back then i really took a lot of time to actually study each funds and also compare each of them before i made my move.

Too bad i missed the golden moment last year. The fund raised so remarkably. At one time it even achieved an overall return rate of more than 40%! I damn regret now! I should have sold it off during that time! Well, one of my customer chose to sell his fund off last year. It so happened that he needed money during that time. Thus he managed to enjoy the 40%++ of return rate! Oh yes, he bought Public Ittikal too because i am the one who recommended this fund to him!

Luckily after the huge decline of the KLSE stock market due to the 'Political Tsunami' which took place on 8th of March 2008, Public Ittikal's price has been gradually restoring to the level which reflects its actual value.

The big drop of March really taught me a lesson. I decided not to be so greedy anymore. To me, 20% of return rate per year is considered a great achievement already. That's the standard practiced by Warren Buffet all this while!

After several days of serious thought, this noon i went to the nearest Public Mutual branch and did the switching. Anyway that was my first ever fund switching.

I switched the fund units to 2 different conservative profile funds.

星期三, 五月 14, 2008





Ali rustam had supper at Subaidah Cafe

Just now, I had my supper with my friend at one cafe called Subaidah. We spent there for around 2 hours more. When we were about to leave, we saw chief minister of the Melaka state, Ali Rustam came together with one of his friend. I think he just finished OT? Haha.

Anyway, as he showed up, a group of customers from the table next to us quickly dashed forward to shake hand with him. Wow! Do they really need to do that?

星期二, 五月 13, 2008











星期六, 五月 10, 2008

黃子講座 - 馬來西亞華人的前途







从黄子一个领域一个领域的分析来看,马来西亚的华人情况确实如热窝上的蚂蚁,身为华人的我,听了也是十分的惊心!其实,如时常阅报,就能发现现在最红的棕油业、石油业及银行业等等已有大把的马来商家参与了,华人已逐渐失去份额。 看看那些大集团的董事成员吧!事情就清楚了!



更何况还有人才磁铁 - 新加坡!好多马来西亚华侨都在那儿艰苦打拼啊!


3)黄子也说了一些不为人知的故事,前任财政部长拉萨里任职国油公司时,为国油在海外储备了大量的外汇!当97年金融风暴将临时,这笔外汇拯救了许多马来西亚的大型政府相关公司!减缓了风暴所带来的巨大冲击! 黄子觉得我们须感谢他!
















如今看来,时间迫切,为了我们的子孙, 惟有委屈少许,趁危机未来到时就逃之夭夭,顺便帮助亲朋戚友!避过劫难!


星期三, 四月 23, 2008




1 年= 260 天

20 个符号 * 13 个数字 = 260 天 (类似中国人的天干地支)

260 * 73 = 52 年



一。根达亚文明,(超能力文明)1米左右,男人有第三只眼,翡翠色,功能各有不同。有预测的,有杀伤力的等等。。。女人没有第三只眼,所女人害怕男人。但 是女人的子宫有能神的能力,女人怀孕前会与天上要投生的神联系,谈好了,女人才会要孩子。此文明毁于大陆沉没。




五。我们存在的文明 (情感的文明)会使用情感,于2012年12月冬至灭绝







第五个太阳纪是世界末日,当第五个太阳纪来临,太阳会 消失,大地剧烈摇晃,灾难四起,地球会彻底毁灭,


星期五, 四月 18, 2008







星期日, 三月 09, 2008





星期四, 三月 06, 2008

Very, very much blood shed in KLSE

Over the past few days, KLSE index dropped drastically. A few billions of RM just gone like that. It's like a dagger ripping my heart! Nobody like us (small investors) have ever expected this. Especially right now the general election is approaching!

The profit earned from both stock counters and funds last year soon turned into ashes.

So far, over the 3 stocks i am holding, 2 of them achieve a growth of 46.06% & 46.45% respectively. I have been holding these 2 stocks for 3 years already. It means on average, they have brought >14% profit each year. Well, the other one, which is the only one, causes me losses anyway! It's approaching one year and so far it causes loss at -17.37% ! Well, everything stated here is not the physical one as i have not yet sold the counters off!

星期二, 二月 05, 2008




满足吧!感恩吧!你身边的东西已经够好了, 你知道吗?

人家更尊重你? 因为你发大财了?恭喜,你会感到光荣、骄傲,但这喜悦是虚幻不实的,它并非永恒的。有一天你会失去它,然后你的痛苦是倍增的。



星期一, 二月 04, 2008





望天下人: 心想事成,诸事顺利,人人为我,我为人人。

星期四, 一月 03, 2008

Development frustration

In this new project, i was using Service Facade design pattern to implement Spring + Hibernate.

I wonder why Hibernate Session is always being closed after the program leaves the DAO level.

I am frustrated when trying to manipulate model/models retrieved from DAO by accessing its/their child/children. It always tells me "Session is closed!"

That's really much different than the way i used to do.

Also, i could not manipulate Hibernate Transaction across different calls of services. I could not control when and where to commit or rollback just like what i usually do!

The Common Control also makes me scratching my head a lot! I am still in the process of getting familiar with it. I am now missing much on the traditional Struts + Javascript technique. Anyway, pros and cons always there.

Today bad news came, so, end of this month, have to complete everything! Yeah, another mission impossible!

One sicked, one blinded, one cursed

How can you expect the project to be completed?