星期三, 八月 19, 2009

Malaysia's pride - K.S. Pua 潘健成

He is a Malaysian. He was grown up in Malaysia. After high school he furthered his study in Taiwan. He later became one of the founders of Phison(Taiwan)群联 which claims to be the first company to invent "Pen Drive".

I was listening to interview session with Pua on AiFm today from 7pm - 7.40pm. From the way he was speaking, i found out that he is really a tough guy with very very strong mind. He is those passionate and aggressive kind of guy who speaks so fast and clear and with full confidence. I can feel that his brain keeps spinning fast all the time. Therefore, i think it is not just by luck that he has succeeded his career in Taiwan, really.

For those who wish to listen to Pua's philosophy & success story, just listen to AiFm on every Wednesday from 7pm - 7.40pm. I think there are a few more sessions with Pua.

Pua is really a anak Malaysia who makes Malaysia proud! Inilah semangat Malaysia Boleh!


最近不知怎的,全世界最好康的职业 - 马来西亚各州君主们一个接一个的频频放屁,说什么别质疑国家宪法啦、别质疑马来人特权地位等等,哇,好像他们是下了命令般,以为全国人民都有义务要听他们说。






星期二, 八月 18, 2009


数月前中共政府竟然想到了一个奥步、一个烂招数 - 在每一台电脑装置绿坝软件,美其名为防止小孩接触不良资讯,实际上极大的控制民间的网络自由,此恶行着实令人不齿!








星期一, 八月 17, 2009


一天在翻阅报纸,刚好看到关于脱氧核糖核酸的部分,标题是XXX(一堆汉字)DNA XX(一堆汉字)等等。一旁的印度友人也看到了,问我为什么标题这么奇怪,中英参杂,我当场哑口无言。




星期三, 八月 12, 2009










星期一, 八月 10, 2009

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

I came across this joke about GDP from today's Nanyang Siang Pau. (Nanyang Business Journal, 南洋商报). The story is roughly like below:

Two economists A & B were paying a visit to their sensei/master who is a well known economist.

On their way, they saw a pile of dogshit on the road. A told B that he was willing to offer B 50 million bucks if B eats the dogshit. Ok B really ate the dogshit and took the 50 million bucks. Then they continued their journey.

After a while, they saw another pile of dogshit again. This time B told A if A eats the dogshit B will return the 50 million bucks to A. A actually a bit regretted giving out his 50 million bucks to B early on and so he took this chance to get back his 50 million bucks by finishing up the dogshit.

Then they continued their journey. After several thoughts they started to realize they actually gained nothing but dogshit in their stomach. They were crying loud, and at that time they had already reached their master's house.

After listening to their stories their master was screaming with excitement: "100 million! 100 million! You two have ust contributed 100 million to our nation's GDP!!! "

Here is the formula of GDP which is taken from Wikipedia:

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)

So i think the 100 million bucks from the above story is referring to "private consumption". Hahaha.

I once read about an economist from the United States said that(I could not remember that well) "to grow a nation's GDP (or to boost up a nation's economy), give money to someone to dig a hole on the road, and then offer money to another person to patch the hole up". Hahaha.

Frankly speaking, i think GDP's should be quite reliable else it will not be a universal key indicator to a nation's economic strength.