星期二, 七月 17, 2012





星期一, 七月 16, 2012











我正打着 - 最幸福的工



星期六, 七月 07, 2012











星期五, 七月 06, 2012

Angel Theraphy

The following are some useful prayers for those of you who believe in Angel Theraphy. Personally i witnessed the EXISTENCE of my guarding angel. But i do not know which one of them. I just asked my guarding angel to show its existence on my way to office and i saw repeated number such as 666, 999, 333 for three time before reaching office. I hope the following prayers will be helpful to you guys out there. Bear in mind each ArchAngel is responsible in different area. Thanks.

Dear Archangel Raphael, please unblock and unleash the full power of my God-given energy. Please revitalize and refresh me so that I fully enjoy each and every moment of my life.

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me be optimistic and take the appropriate action steps that support my health.

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for motivating me and guiding me to an exercise program that fits my schedule, interests, and budget.

Dear Higher Self, thank you for speaking loudly and clearly in peaceful ways that I easily understand. Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to listen to my inner wisdom.

Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for reigniting my passion for life. Thank you for helping me enjoy each moment and face any challenges with grace and excitement. Please guide me to be strong, to speak my truth, and to stand up for myself when necessary. Thank you for giving me the energy and perseverance to meet my responsibilities and still stay true to myself.

Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for clearly and gently leading me to the information that I need to know for my well-being. Please give me the courage to be assertive as I take charge of my health-care needs.

Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me enjoy the benefits of sunshine in safe and healthy ways.

Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me trust my feelings as the accurate barometer of truth.

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me appreciate everything that makes me happy right now.

Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer of [ADD THE DETAILS OF YOUR PRAYER].

"Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for lending me your supreme strength and giving me the courage to release all forms of grievances, blame, toxic stored-up anger, and unforgiveness. 

"Please help me to release and let go of all toxins. Please help me to feel, trust, and experience your support in all ways. Please help me to be in total integrity, to be happy and healthy, and to shine my light brightly with Love. Amen." 

"Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for clearing and transmuting any heavy energies from our planet. Thank you for vacuuming and lifting all fear and its effects away! 

"Please guide me as to how I can be a beacon of peace, light, and love. Thank you for shielding me and everyone from the old energies as they're released, and please guide my thoughts so that I contribute love. 

"Thank you for helping all of us to open our hearts to compassion for each being's feelings, rights, and needs. Amen."

Dear Archangel Michael, please safeguard my home and all of my possessions, helping me feel safe and secure.

"Archangel Michael, please give me the strength and courage to clearly and consistently guide my children in healthy ways. Please give me the confidence to be lovingly strong with my children as I give them boundaries and guidelines, even if my child doesn't like or agree with those boundaries."

Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me, my loved ones, and my home with your royal purple light to dissipate and ward off any lower energies. Please guide me clearly so that I may only interact with people who are living in truth and integrity.

"Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for helping me to discern accurately when a situation or relationship has integrity or not. Please give me the strength to leave behind those situations and relationships which are out of integrity, with full forgiveness and love, and a clear understanding of the role that I played in attracting that situation or relationship."

[Michael & Raphael]
"Dear God and Archangels Michael and Raphael, Thank you for bathing my mind and body in your healing energy, and soothing, comforting, and uplifting me in natural ways. Thank you for healing my former attachments to chemicals, and for detoxifying me from all effects of chemicals. I now release all anxiety to you! Please help me to fully connect with your Divine Source of energy now and always. Amen."

Dear God, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Michael, It seems that stress is taking a toll on me, and I need your help. Please release me from the pressures that I have imposed upon myself. Raphael. I ask that you cover me with your healing energy so that my body will shed the effects of stress. Michael, I ask that you cut away the effects of negative and fearful thoughts, including cords that are draining me. I am willing to release any habits of self-punishment, time urgency, or other belief systems that create stressful situations. I know that I have sufficient time and energy, in truth, and I ask that you help me experience this sufficiency right now. Thank you, and amen.

Archangel Raguel (the angel of harmonious relationships) for help in healing current relationships and to attract healthy new relationships. 

Thank you, Archangel Chamuel, for instilling me with pure Divine peace, that I may rest in the knowledge that you and God are watching over all of us.

Thank you, Archangel Zadkiel, for helping me focus upon my beautiful memories and let the rest go.

Dear Archangel Zadkiel, thank you for helping me recall all the necessary information that I need to know about this topic.

Dear Archangel Sandalphon, please deliver my prayer to Heaven, that it may be heard and answered.

Dear Archangel Ariel, please help my family and me have the supplies and support that we need for our happy, healthy lives.

Thank you, Archangel Ariel, for guiding me toward the best way for me to help the earth’s environment.

Thank you, Archangel Ariel, for guiding me toward the best way for me to help the earth’s environment.

Dear Archangel Metatron, please help me deepen my connection to God and guide me to feel and understand the profound love of the Divine.

Archangel Jophiel, please help me with this situation. Thank you for helping me see the inner Divine beauty within myself and everyone involved. Thank you for your intervention in creating a beautiful outcome. In gratitude, and in the name of all that is beautiful, I thank you, Jophiel.

Dear Archangel Raziel, I ask that you teach me about God, universal wisdom, and the secrets of the universe, especially as they apply to living a more peaceful life.4

Dear Archangel Uriel, please help me focus my mind and receive all of the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that I need.

星期五, 六月 22, 2012

Something about Feng Shui

According to my Chief Feng Shui Specialist, there are 2 types of Feng Shui - The Personal Feng Shui & the Environment Feng Shui

Kyron's opinion on Feng Shui as follow:

This is a good question, for it shows how linear the thinking is. Here’s a simple answer. Even without any of the movement of chi/Qi(氣、炁) , your co-creative energy as a Human Being will work. However, if you then decide not to isolate yourself, and instead use the energy of the earth as your partner, then everything you’re doing will be enhanced...

All this is to say that these energy systems are like the conveyor belts you walk on in your municipal areas.
You can walk at your own speed, or walk on the conveyor. Both actions will get you where you’re going, but one will enhance your travel and get you there faster.

~ Kryon

星期一, 六月 18, 2012




有趣的是,中华文化有提倡天人合一 这个概念,现在则先实现了“天神合一”,两者当然不相关,呵呵。
