星期一, 十一月 27, 2006

Tired Monday

I woke up at 5 something this morning. Argh, damn tired. My eyes could hardly open. I slept on 12 something the night before! I had a regret of did not make myself to get into deep sleep as i got onto the bed, instead i read the historic book i bought a few weeks ago. So now i got to bear the consequence. Cause & Effect!! Hahaha.

I got to send my dad to JB's custom because he needed to go for routine body checkup in Singapore. The appointment was supposed to be at 9am. At around 5.45am i set out from my house. Throughout the journey my eyes were in pain so i was abit nervous that if i did not pay much attention, i could overturn my car. Lukily nothing happened. I reached JB custom safely. However, my eyes had been damn painful for the wholeday. Anyway i managed to pay attention to my work. Argh, really wish could go back and rest early today. Having a good sleep is always important to us!

