星期二, 十月 02, 2012

殺到錦華狂吃一頓 Kin Wah @ Johor Bahru

锦华锦华 多次错过 这次余不放过你了
Kin Wah here I come again

你的咖啡 余尝过 你的“踢球” 余喝过 你的面包 余从没放过
I tried its famous coffee, bola sepak (milo), toast. But I never try its Nasi Campur. 

原来 你的饭 也名闻遐迩 连巫裔大人物都要来一亲芳泽 余之前竟漏了 真是忘八
A lot of big shots have tried Kin Wah nasi campur, which is run by an Indonesian. 

当天 余一大早就匆匆从十多公里外赶往你这里 
I kind of rushed to this place from more than ten kilometers away

他妈的 你竟跟余说你的椰浆饭卖完了 余的怨气要往何处发泄?
The Indonesian shook his head to me"Nasi Lemak Sudah Habis". I was frustrated. Very disappointed.  

没有黄金 就取银 余就跟你讨白饭吃
The Indonesian then asked "Mau Nasi Putih?" I said "Ok"  

一大早吃杂饭? 此事余生平最恨 故只匆匆夹了数道菜肴 咖喱鸡和腌菜
I actually don't like to eat Nasi Campur as breakfast. No choice. Nasi Lemak was sold out. I took a curry chicken and some Acar to serve with rice. I poured much curry into the rice. 

Unbelievable. The curry is so good. I could even finish the rice only with the curry sauce. 

饭一入口 余的怨气 如光亦如电 从七窍散散去 一点都不觉得呛
No more frustration. Frustration has been transformed into Joy by the curry. Indeed. 

The curry sauces is very tempting. 

余尚在酣睡中的肚子立刻醒了 各种所谓酵素什么素的生理化学汁液全都动起来了 引擎都哄哄响了 是时候进多点油了
My stomach got activated by this curry man. 

银匙银叉在油纸上鬼画符 三两口余就把马达给喂饱了!满足啊!爽啊!
The curry made me more hungry. I finished the rice in just a few minutes. Satisfying! Satisfying!

再来烤面包啦!咖啡啦!半生熟蛋啦!余不费吹灰之力就已经活在当下了!想不到美食竟有助修行 真是阿弥陀佛啊!
I ordered Roti Bakar as well. Both Round Shape Roti and Triangle Shape Roti. The coffee here is my favourite. Another important dish is half-cooked egg. Hehe. 

Curry Rice + Toast + Coffee + Half Cook Egg = Made my day. I realized that to be in the NOW is not something difficult. Delicious food is a good vehicle to send us there :) 


配上烤圆面包 咖啡 半生熟蛋 境界往上升升升 宛如身在西王母桃园盛会




太好吃好了 你去想象 风卷残云的画面

