星期五, 六月 12, 2015

Divine Message on 11th June 2015 - Spritiual Evolution

When we were very very young, we don't really know if we are praying or not. And when we've grown up we don't even remember that praying moment because we are unsure if we were really praying.

As we grow older, we start to have needs and wants. And usually we pray to God for our "wants".

As we continue praying for our wants, we will eventually come to a stage where we'd like to express our gratitude to God for giving what we want. So in this case we will have idols as "target" for us to offer physical items such as flowers and fruits and etc to express our gratitude. At this stage still we will continue to pray with "wants" in our mind.

Until one day we pray to God without any want, at that moment we are already deeply connected with God. It's a state of Total Surrender. At that time we don't really need idols anymore. We don't even need to pray physically because we are already praying all the time since we are deeply connected with God.

This is the process of Spiritual Evolution.

Different people go through different stages of spiritual evolution. Some takes longer time, some takes lesser time. It is sheer ignorance that we think we are more spiritually evolved than another guy. As spiritual evolution sometimes could happen overnight.

星期三, 六月 10, 2015

萬達酒店鉆苑中餐廳 Zuan Yuan @ One World Hotel


某次马来西亚讲华语运 动想要办执委新年聚会,执委四处寻找有私人房间的中餐馆,有这种"设备"的中餐馆非常­难找,最终找到一家,即钻苑也。我身为副主席,又跟钻苑近在咫尺, 所以也有去钻苑询问一番。钻苑的私人套房­设备实在难得,而且只须预订就可以了,并且无须为房间付费,订房也不以花费价格来为条件。


就 如其他酒店一样,钻苑是万达酒店里的唯一中餐馆,而且也是清真的。这在马来西亚很正常,目前国内许多酒店­的中餐馆都已"清真化"了。可是,钻苑的菜肴还 是色香味齐全,完全不受清不清真影响。我曾吃过数间酒店的中­餐馆,也是清真菜肴,味道真的比钻苑差得远。在钻苑无论是烤鸡也好、各种菜蔬也好,都吃得出 厨师的用心。



星期一, 六月 08, 2015

太平拉律馬登小販中心炒魚丸粿條麵 Fried Fishball KueyTeowMee @ Larut Matang Hawker Center Taiping












星期四, 六月 04, 2015

廣告: 華孝英雄(華Xiao英雄)的笑點






星期日, 五月 31, 2015

廣告: 華孝英雄(或華Xiao英雄)首映禮


当夜坐在我隔壁的竟然是那位本地电影《一路有僵尸》演则优则导的“未来世界明星”Jaguar Lim。他很专心的看完整套《华孝英雄》,从他的表情看不出他是喜欢还是不喜欢这套影片。



星期四, 五月 28, 2015

My First English Poem

When I see Sufi, I see Zen
When I see Zen, I see the Presence
When I embrace the Presence
I see no religion
What do I see?
I only see God

星期三, 五月 27, 2015





星期二, 五月 26, 2015


某华裔流动小贩向来在邻镇卖包点和豆浆。近来也来到此地做生意。才经营两三日,市议会和宗教局就派员来,谓此地以穆斯林为众,故此地禁卖一切非清真食物。 该小贩为此因而无端接罚单。


此等人学宗教,越学越昏沉,穆圣回生,必拿戒尺敲醒之。这尚为小 事,若是大事如回教法等,由此等人来负责执法,非穆斯林岂不歹哉?

星期一, 五月 25, 2015

Fahaman Yang Salah Tentang Atheist

Saya mendapati bahawa sesetengah orang tidak berapa faham apa maksud sebanar Atheist. Mereka anggap orang yang tidak suka/percaya kepada agama adalah golongan Atheist. Fahaman ini adalah tidak betul.

Atheist pun ada kepercayaan. Kepercayaan mereka adalah Evolution, Science dan Tiada Tuhan.

Terdapat juga orang yang mempercayai kepada Tuhan dan Nabi-Nabi. Mereka berpendapat bahawa agama itu ciptaan pengikut Nabi-Nabi demi kepentingan mereka sendiri. Kadang kala mereka saja mahukan kuasa. Nabi-nabi saja ingin menunjuk jalan ke kebenaran tetapi Nabi-nabi tidak pernah hendak mencipta agama yang bersifat Institutional. Kita tidak sepatutnya memanggil orang seperti ini sebagai Atheist. Mereka masih percaya kepada Tuhan.

舊街場白咖啡 Old Town White Coffee @ BU8




这 间旧街场白咖啡更加特别。隔壁就是联昌银行了。周日午间,联昌银行的顾客到此处办事,若需要等候,可以在­旧街场白咖啡处坐下点一杯"白咖啡"配烤面包半 生熟鸡蛋来打发时间。或者可在办完事後先享受一下冰咖啡配暹­罗米粉等小食才去下一站。或者顾客若还未用正膳,可在这里点招牌的炸鸡椰浆饭等吃。

至 于我本人,则是在下班後来此处"休息"一番才回家。若是六点之前到达此处,还来得及点三点至六点才有的"­下午茶配套"。下午茶配套比正餐配套便宜多了, 区区四元就可吃到烤面包和咖啡乌。不过,旧街场时常更换配套­以给顾客耳目一新的感觉。所以每隔数月,我就发现配套内容和价格又不一样了。

至 于旧街场白咖啡的正餐,我最爱的还是海南鸡排饭。其海南鸡排做得实在很好,裹上了鸡蛋粉才炸,所以吃鸡排­时可吃到很香的炸鸡蛋粉。然後炸鸡派的酱料又做 得很香甜多汁,这酱料拿来送饭简直是一流。何况旧街场给的还­是油饭,很不错。同样十多元一餐,我宁愿吃这道海南鸡排饭多于吃炸鸡椰浆饭。当然,其炸鸡椰 浆饭不仅仅有炸­鸡而已,旧街场不是路边摊,不会吝啬提供慢慢的花生和江鱼仔等。


星期日, 五月 24, 2015

My thought on Brains v Brawn: Why UMNO can't match LKY

This is the original article.

And here is my response:

Lee Kuan Yew himself is an intellectial as well. Don't forget that he grad from Cambridge during 50s. Our past and current PM could not match him in terms of academic achievement. 

Lee's political ideology is the Confucius kind, to rule the country with Elites or scholars. (background: China is the earliest country that took public servants by public examination at multiple levels, as early as 500AC).

As for Lee, I guess he wanted to make himself as close to emperor as possible. In the end he did not. He is excellent and that's why abit arrogant.

星期五, 五月 22, 2015





New Generation of Modern Chinese Malaysian

I came across a Facebook post of a friend's friend as follows:

I lecture in different private colleges/universities that are predominantly run by Chinese and attend by Chinese. But in one such institution I have the privilege to teach a group of MARA scholars. This group of MARA students, many of them came from not so rich family and to be able to get scholarship to go to the US to further their studies is a great opportunity that they wouldn't have if they are left alone without any government assistance. 

Now I am not here to talk about NEP or Bumiputra rights or racial discrimination etc. What I want to point out is the attitude these MARA students have compare to the group of Chinese students who come from a wealthy background. These MARA students are serious with their studies because if they don't get the grades required, they will lose their scholarship. They are diligent, hardworking, attend my class regularly, and do their work without complaining. Because of their religious up bringing, they respect me as their lecturer and elder and they produce quality work. 
Come back to the Chinese students, because they don't really need to maintain a certain grade point average (their parents will be there to support them no matter what) plus growing up in a well to do family, they basically behave like the world has owe them everything. They complain just because the lecturer refuses to give them one extra mark for them to get an "A" (which they don't really deserve one), produce mediocre work, missing classes, and rude to lecturer (I guess may be their parents allow them to answer them back rudely).

I have two points here. Whatever the scholarship or financial assistance the government is giving to the Malays, they are generally (notice I say generally) given to well deserve Malay students. And it is a joy to have them in my class. 

As for the Chinese students in my class, many of them are good students and really enjoy having them in my class. 

But many of them are also spoiled to the bones. I don't blame them. I blame it on their parents. I have no idea why modern Malaysian Chinese parents have totally lost control of their children. They are so afraid of offending their children and saying "no" or "cannot" is something absolutely haram in their children upbringing. And their children can do no wrong; it is the lecturer or the college is the one who is in the wrong, abusing their children. After all, they pay to come to the institution.
My colleague and I were discussing the above issue this morning. I told her that I am concerned because we are growing old. One day, these students with this kind of attitude will take over the country and I wonder I will be taken care of at my old age...but I do see rays of hope in our MARA scholars...Insy-Allah.
My opinion is as follows:

Religious upbringing makes the difference. Many modern Chinese families don't really stress much on religion teachings. 

Ancient Chinese were very well mannered due to strong Confucianism background but modern Chinese completely abandoned Confucianism(since early twentieth century) and they have nothing(or money) to fill in the blank and here's the result.

If you study the Peranakan, you'll find Peranakan are generally very well mannered because they still retain some of Confucianism rituals and rites.