星期日, 七月 20, 2008

星期六, 七月 19, 2008

Job is not our life!

Came across an article talking about there are more and more people not to prioritize job in their life. I like this excerpt:

In other words, I know firsthand how futile utter devotion to a job can be in the long run. I still want to do well in my job. I still want to be on the cutting edge of things. But I don’t want to work 16 hours a day to maintain that edge. It’s just not worth it. Or maybe it’s kind of worth it, but it wouldn’t win out in a head-to-head competition with my kid, my husband, my elderly father, and the rest of the hoodlums that make up my extended family.
It explains what i want to explain all this while.






澳洲,个人看好是未来之星! 它将继美国之后崛起!







星期五, 七月 18, 2008










星期一, 七月 14, 2008

Our ex prime minister encouraged genocide?

This fella. I am speechless. Look at what he has written on his blog.


Hey old man, you yourself are not the indigenous too! Your blood is not pure anyway. All of our PMs do not have pure Malay blood!! This is the fact!

Think about it! Without all the so called foreigners, do you sincerely think Malaysia can be the Malaysia today? I believe it will be another Cambodia or Laos...or even Myammar.

I can not deny that may be a large number of the first generation Chinese or Indian in Malaya did not think that Malaya is their home country! Well this can be explained because they were not born in Malaya. They were encouraged by the British to come over to this land. They just wanted to get rich and then returned to their homeland!

By the way, who do you think had robbed most of the resources in Malaya all this time? It is The British, the Netherlands, and Portugal! They were the real conquerors. Come on old man, please fire them instead of those innocent ones like Chinese and Indian, they did not get rich by robbing or killing the indigenous! Instead, the non indigenous had won numerous awards in sports events for Malaysia! How could you deny their contribution! Look at badminton, which race takes the majority since decades ago? Also, the non indigenous take the main role in a lot of woman sports as the indigenous are strongly restricted by the "law of religion" in terms of dress code! So, tell me, did the non indigenous contribute to Malaysia?

Also, please ask yourself, would the British allow Malaysia to be independent without the fight from the Chinese and Indian community? Do not forget that our independence were resulted from the cooperation of 3 major races in Malaya which were the Malay, the Chinese and the Indian!

Your words in your blog definitely would not help improve the current political climate in Malaysia! Please do not start your racist statement again! If you want to get rid of all the Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians, please bear the consequences because you will certainly not be benefited from that! The people will hate you so much!! It will be a big blow to the nation's economy. Malaysia will step backward for 50 years!!!

So, please keep your mouth shut, old man!

星期日, 七月 13, 2008

This is 21st century

Had a chat with friend. Were talking about investment. I complaint that buying a house basically means being put in prison for whole life because you owe to bank for 20-30 years!!! You are going to lose your freedom. Anyway, why should we think of getting a house as an investment? Yes it may have been the best way for the previous generation for investment but it may not seem to be as important as it was now! Nowadays we have plenty of ways to invest our money. For e.g. trust fund. In old time people did not buy trust fund! Well I am talking about people in Malaysia. Nowadays there are plenty of trust funds for us to choose. One advantage of buying trust fund is you are always guaranteed the liquidity! You will not enjoy the same level of liquidity if you are buying a house as you need time to get someone who is willing to offer the price that you are expecting to buy your house. Else it is going to be a burden to you because every month you have to allocate certain percentage of your income to bank!




“昔加末”(Segamat)的名字源自马来文“segar”和“amat”,意即“非常新鲜”或“非常清爽”,若要追溯其典故和源头,则要从16世纪柔佛苏丹时期说起。有民间传说指“昔加末”之名乃当时的统治者苏丹阿末,亦即第一任苏丹所取。1511年,苏丹阿末与随从在一河边休息时,极度干渴的苏丹命令随从从清澈见底的河中取水饮用后,即刻感到神清气爽,舒解了长途跋涉导致的全身酸痛,于是说了一句:“Segar amat(非常清爽)!”一旁的宰相敦德博也有同感,因此就将该地区命名为“Segamat”。隶属森美兰州管辖的昔加末受英国殖民地政府统治,一直道1901年才成为柔佛州管辖地区,并成为8大县之一,也是州内主要的农业原产品区,面积达2千851.26平方公里,人口共17万8千620,是个历史悠久的小镇,古迹保留得相当完整。


昔加末县分为南北两地,小小昔加末是县内最主要的城市,也是主要的经济集中的地,县内人口虽以马来民族居多,但主要的经济地却以华人为主,较著名和特别的旅游景点包括拉美士的天然温泉、双溪大港的断桥、苏丹的度假别墅、榴连广场、农业旅游景点和原住民居住的双溪班当(Sungai Bantang)休闲森林。



小镇小食别有一番独特风味,阿芝路小贩中心的辣椒烧鱼、对望昔加末河的哈山路的肉骨茶以及昔加末峇鲁花园的印度传统小食“纸煎饼”(paper tosai),都是不可错过的美食




购物中心 Billion、Derang Emas、顶好及拉美士购物中心

酒店/旅馆 彩虹酒店(Hotel Sri Pelangi)、昔加末度假酒店(Villa Hotel Segamat)、和平旅馆(Hotel Harmony)、文化旅馆(Mandarin Hotel)、The Pine Classic Inn

巴也朗高尔夫球俱乐部(Paya Lang Golf Club)及昔加末高尔夫球俱乐部(Segamat Country Club)警察局、消防局、医院、移民厅、邮政局、关税局、马电讯、公共交通站