星期二, 十月 02, 2012

新山至佳雞扒 IT ROO Cafe @ Johor Bahru

游新山,有幸光顾此〔至佳鸡扒〕店!该店只有英文店名IT ROO CAFE,无中文店名。
Travelled to JB some time back. Was fortunate to have the chance to try the "Best Chicken Chop in Town" at IT ROO CAFE. 

This shop is right at the Cultural Street (Jln Tan Hiok Nee). There were events that night. The shop was crowded. The waiters were busy. Luckily still managed to get some seats. 

The waiter will ask every customer if you'd like the chicken chop to be fried or to be grilled. And you'll be asked which sauce that you prefer? mushroom sauce or black pepper sauce? I took mushroom sauce grilled chicken chop. 

Mushroom Sauce Grilled Chicken Chop
So DELICOUS! It's really tasty! I finished up the sauces as if the sauce is soup. To be honest, without the sauce the chicken is just the normal grilled chicken. Yet some shops' chicken chop sometimes is smelly, probably the chicken is not fresh anymore. But right here at IT ROOT CAFE, the chicken meat is nice, no such rotting smell. It's fresh. Thanks to the boss for insisting on providing the best chicken chop for the customers.

I will definitely revisit this cafe again on the next trip to JB!

星期一, 九月 17, 2012



一度以為 會從此告別佛法


我反而 更了解佛法了

那感覺簡直是 如沐涼風 精神抖擻!

新紀元學說 不是新型宗教 

新紀元學說 是一種〔新的詮釋〕

通過 新紀元學說

你會更加了解 自己的信仰

你將是悟者 不再是蠻從者


各大宗教的本質 都一樣 沒錯 都一樣!

所謂求同存異 那異 也只是教法不同 教規不同 形式不同 而已

畢竟 有時 文化滲入了教義

畢竟 有時 政治滲入了教義

其實 宗教組織 既是組織 必有政治 免不了

既有宗教組織 以宗教名義 爭權奪利 爭面子 爭人數 免不了

若各宗教信徒能認清 你我他 其實都是一體

拋開外在形式 直搗精神核心 

世界大同 必近在咫尺矣!

星期二, 九月 11, 2012




一天,下站后,剛剛要前往客戶處,赫然看到隔壁大樓寫著四個中文大字 - 光前大廈。英文則寫著WISMA LEE RUBBER。


李光前公曾是世界十大華人富豪,乃另一華人先賢陳嘉庚之乘龍快婿。他所創辦的南益公司歷史悠久,至今仍在營運中。他所成立的李氏基金會幫了不少人 。中共豐他為〔一代風范、萬民楷模〕。他在馬來西亞也曾獲封拿督和丹斯里勛銜。在新加坡則有國立的〔李光前圖書館〕,我曾參觀之,規模大,藏書豐富。當然,他也在中新馬兩地成立了不少中小學,也捐助了不少教育機構,如南洋大學、廈門大學等。也曾擔任新加坡大學的首任校長。



星期日, 九月 09, 2012











星期五, 九月 07, 2012













星期三, 八月 29, 2012

How to Improve our life?

This is another very good sharing. Please take note of this seriously.

Question: The purpose of learning all the meditation techniques or the power of now and so on, is to have "miracles" in our life? So that there will always be "sunshine" forever. If there is rain, it will not be "cats and dogs" but just "drizzling" only.

 Answer: Perfect

 ~ Sri Kriyathasa Sekar

All about LIFE

I would like to share with you what is life & how can you keep a good life. The following is a question I raised to my Guru. 

Dear Sekar, 
I am a frequent visitor to fortune tellers. I visited at least 3 fortune tellers in the past. They told me what is my personality and some important life events for myself. So far their "computation" results are quite accurate except for a few items.
At the same time I also listen to your Life Coachings, T-rex sharings on life, some other ppl sharings on life and I did some readings also. 
Last year I have consulted a fortune teller to read my 'Luck' for this year. I jotted down his reading. Recently I read back what I have jotted down. I realized his computation result is rather inconsistent.  
Therefore I have had some "realization". I want to share them. Much appreciate if you can provide your opinion. Thanks. 
The following are my "realization":   
1) Our life is full of all kinds of possibilities.  
2) Without believing in the Divine, our life might end up as described in our Astrology Birth Chart.
3) With the help from Vasthu Sastra or Feng Shui or Number (e.g Visiber) or some other tools, our life could be much better than the life in our Astrology Birth Chart. 
4) If we surrender ourselves fully to the Divine (by following the right practices as taught by 7C or by other spiritual masters) ,  our life will always be better than the life in our Astrology Birth Chart.  
Thank you.

Here's the reply from my Guru

Thank you for asking these questions. 
You are right in your understanding but with one difference, the astrological sign are not wrong if the reading is done by an expert. 
Lets talk about life:
1. Life is all about experiences and going through that learning process. This process has to give the bad experiences, so we will know what to avoid in the future and also the good experiences so we will know what to look forward to. 
2. If you don't do anything, then nothing bad or good will happen to you. This is the same as for the people who say I never seen the rain or sun because I stay in my house always. To them, life is fine, but they don't have any life experiences at all. Life has no meaning or purpose at all. 
3. Astrological charts/reading are like the weather forecast, it is just a guide. We read it or listen to it because we want to know what is ahead of us, not for us to fear  about it but to manage it. 
4. The life coaching that we give you, is to teach you how to manage this and understand this. We teache you to understand what is the purpose of the rain and sun. What are the effects of the rain and the benefits of the sun or vice versa.
That's the teaching we share. So you know how to manage the situation and also to grab the right opportunity for the right purpose. 
5. Accept that this is part of nature and whatever you do, there will always be rain and sun out there always. This is the acceptance and surrender. 
6. The most important thing happens next, your effort. This is where you take your experience, your guides and your understanding of purpose (acceptance and surrender) and combine them all.
This combination is called wisdom. You use this wisdom to be above all this and succeed. Wisdom simply teaches you to get an umbrella when you go out, not always but whenever you know it is appropriate. These are the successful people. Be here. 
I hope I have explained it well. If not we can always discuss this in the sessions. 
Thank you.