星期六, 九月 20, 2008

bomber & cowboy on the moon?

Neil Armstrong saw many footsteps on the moon when he made his first step on the it. this particular part was removed by NASA from the video because it was too shocking! Who made those footprints? Years later those moon astronauts claimed that they saw all kinds of weird things outside the spaceship while on their way to moon. What are those weird things? They claimed that they were being trailed by some unidentified flying object. What was that? Fortunately they managed to make it to the moon. Nevertheless, there is something shocking, a Soviet satellite saw an American WW2 bomber on the moon before! Sometimes it was there and sometimes it disappeared suddenly! Besides that, at a different time, a dead cowboy was also seen on the moon! Did all these 'earth' things travel through some special 'tunnel' ???

In spite of that, a Soviet spaceship was reported vanish before during the space competition between Soviet and the U.S period. Before the spaceship was gone, the crew said the spaceship was surrounded by some kind of 'light'. Interesting isn't it?

When can we know all the truth? Are we really being supervised by some unidentified being? If so, why did they allow The U.S spaceship to land on the moon? Does NASA ever land on the moon? or it was just a show so that the news can be seen as a victory over Soviet?

Please let us know the truth. It something that every human has to know.

