星期一, 十一月 03, 2008

Mahathir's greatest contribution to Malaysia

Mahathir actually had done something good to the nation. He had limited the power of Sultans and Kings. This is extremely important as nobody in this world should be entitled for privileges. Imagine if these people abuse their right. What will happen? Justice will not prevail!

Thanks to Mahathir for this contribution.

I hope eventually in this world, we will no longer see something like queen, king blar blar. That is nonsense. Why shall we be honored when some other 'human' grant us some 'order' or 'award'? If we deserve it then we will know. We do not need somebody out there to acknowledge our contribution. Sun Yat Sen of China made a good move. Instead of trying to bring in Constitutional Monarchy, he made the country as the Republic! Yes, everyone deserves equal right!!!

