Besides the Maya Calendar that says that year 2012 is the end of the 5th Sun Century , there are some other evidences about the 2012 tragedy year.
According to Chinese calendar, year 2012 is Tian Luo Di Wang 天罗地网 year, which also means there will be great disaster.
Anyway, Isaac Newton predicted that year 2060 is the end of the world.
Some Tibetan monks who own "long vision" capability see Nuclear War in year 2012 and see a supernatural force will stop this war.
In year 2006, there was a Russian boy, 7 years old then, claimed himself from MARS, predicted that:
1) In year 2009, there will be a great disaster related to water in one continent.
2) In year 2009, there will be a great plague
3) In the beginning of year 2012, there will be a Nuclear War which takes away lots of human life. However a 'supernatural force' will come to earth and stop it. After that human will find the 'higher self' and human race will no longer be the same human race we are today.
Apart of the above, Mars boy also said that:
1) Crop Circle found everywhere on the earth are actually created by MARS people as a sign to the disaster in year 2012.
2) There is a creature living on MARS, known as Sand Worm. While MARS people are basically living underneath the ground.
Human, please start appreciating peace now, please start appreciating everything around us now.