星期三, 九月 17, 2008

Ugly King Of Thai

The King of Thai is another ugly one. I really think he explains why the monarchy system should be abolished. Monarchy emphasizes "privilege" be given to a minority group - the noble one who is actually a normal human like us.

In the past 60 years the military "coup de tat" always happened with the secret approval from the King of Thai whenever his great wealth is being threatened by the government then. Just check the history of the "coup de tat" that happened in year 1981, 1985 and 2006. It is all about money. The government and King of Thai are just playing games and the people who live in poverty are the one suffering the most.

The current biggest opposition party in Thailand very much support the idea to increase service tax, to reduce the cost that is meant to help people living in poverty and to set a limit to suppress the working salary of the labor. You know what? The king of Thailand supports this idea!!! He is "indeed" a good king!!!

In short, i think, nobody should enjoy the so called 'privilege'. The royalties are born as normal human too. They are like us. Nothing different. So, please please everyone of you help abolish the monarchy system. First of all, let us pull down the one in British first. That one really makes me sicked.















星期一, 九月 15, 2008

unknown histories about Singapore

Watched a documentary that talks about some unknown history Singapore.

When Singapore was expelled from Malaysia, Lee Kuan Yew was crying after hearing the news from radio. He was sad because he did not have a clear direction for his 'child', which is Singapore to go for. Nobody looked good on Singapore at that time as it was only a third world country port without any natural resources. Back then, it was really a tough job for Lee Kuan Yew.

At that time there were 3 isolated countries in the world: Israel, Republic of China(Taiwan) & South Africa. Therefore Lee Kuan Yew seeked for help from the RoC as he was a strong anti-communist politician. His relationship with the then President of RoC 'Jiang Jing Guo' was close. The good relationship started even before Jiang Jing Guo took over the president seat. Lee Kuan Yew visited RoC very frequently then. The rate was about once or more than once per year. Each time Jiang Jing Guo treated him as special guest.

Lee Kuan Yew's visit to Taiwan was not of no intention. Political system wise he adopted a lot of RoC's ideas as RoC is one of the Repulic in Asia then. RoC even helped build Singapore military system by sending a few good officers who later became important military officers in Singapore. Of course the help was not without any reward. Singapore helped RoC to purchase weapons and did a number of kind of sensitive things. It also became the 'international representative' of RoC as RoC's diplomacy was defeated badly by People's Republic of China then. RoC would always get Singapore's help to transmit messages to the worldwide.

Singapore's idea of welcoming talented people from worldwide are actually originated from RoC as well. In year 1985 Singapore was facing serious economic growth problem. The world's economic turned bad, the atmosphere was very much like the one right now. Singapore's economic growth percentage of that year was 0%! It was a big blow to Lee Kuan Yew. While his good friend the RoC managed to achieve a 6%! Lee Kuan Yew asked Jiang Jing Guo why his country was able to do that. jiang jing Guo said it's due to the policy of encouraging talented people to come to Taiwan and also due to the government's policy of encouraging creative and innovation in technology. Lee Kuan Yew was impressed and he quickly went to RoC for a toru of obversation. He spent a few days in the technology park! His earnest attitude impressed a lot of RoC officers. He brought back all the ideas to Singapore and immediately applied them and nowadays it is even doing much better than the RoC now.

I never expect Lee Kuan Yew believe in Feng Shui. The story is: Back into year 1997, the economic downturn came like a strong wind and defeated a lot of countries in Asia. Singapore was hit as well. Then the Feng Shui consultant of Singapore suggested that each Singaporean had to carry a 'Ba Gua' (Chinese ancient 'Eight Trigram'). The problem was: how to get every Singapore to carry that kind of awkward thing? Hence the government came out with an idea, which is to put the 'Ba Gua' in the 1 dollar coin! If you notice, the 'Ba Gua' was actually put into all 1 dollar coins that were published after year 1997!

Lee Kuan Yew strongly believes that dictatorship would help growing a country by ensuring a stable political environment. He objected jiang Jing Guo's idea of allowing 'democracy' to his country. However Jiang Jing Guo did not listen to him and now RoC's democracy was quite a role of model for the Asia countries.

Well, i am glad to be able to know this history.

星期日, 九月 14, 2008

Happy mid-autumn festival 中秋节快乐!

The mid-autumn festival is one of the 4 major festivals of the Chinese. You may refer to the complete description of this festival here

The other 3 important festivals are the Chinese New Year(Spring Festival), the Qing Ming Festival (means Clear & Bright) and the Duan Wu Festival.

Luckily this year it falls on Sunday. Therefore i managed to reunite with my family members on this day. Reunion on the full moon day means everything to Chinese family.

It is quite unfortunate that it was raining in the night so i could not see the beautiful moonlight. Anyway i had seen it the day before. The scene was weird. Clouds were gathering around the full moon and the moonlight penetrated through the thick clouds. You could see rainbow ring surrounding the full moon. Fascinating!

Happy mid-autumn festival to you guys out there! Hope you guys will complete your whatever things out there as full moon means complete!

星期一, 九月 08, 2008

New Employee Orientation

Well, i joined IBM Malaysia eventually. The first few weeks were just quite bored. I am not given any assignment. Today i attended the New Employee Orientation. I learned something here!

I realized the power of 'innovation'!

We were put in different groups. The trainer was asking us to play a game. Each of the group member has to touch 4 balls in sequence. He demonstrated the normal way we did it and asked us to improve the process.

The game was so interesting. Initially we achieved a 5 seconds record. He was not satisfied and in the end we managed to finish the task within 1 second!

That's the power of 'innovation' , 'think'


星期四, 八月 07, 2008








星期二, 七月 29, 2008

The way Islamic countries treat women

Women in Islamic countries are suffering from a lot of restrictions which are so against the humanity. Women in these countries have to cover from their head till leg! This kills the woman's right of choosing costume freely. Some countries that practices the Islamic fundamentalism even do not allow women to get involved in social activities. For example women are prohibited from working!! Women who participate in sports have to make sure that they do not expose any parts of their body besides head! Imagine if a Muslim lady takes part in swimming or gymnastic or beach volleyball! Certainly she will be forced to dress up a lot or she is even not allowed to take part in the game anymore.

Ironically, the men from these countries are curious about woman's body. They enjoy sex. They enjoy prostitution. Men from Islamic countries enjoy typing 'SEX' in Google!(According to a survey done in year 2007 or 2006 i can't remember exactly) Yet they want their women to cover up their body so that these men will not commit any sex crimes against these women. Ain't it funny! Think carefully, the problem actually falls back to men. It is up to the men themselves to control their behaviors rather than to ask women to do something that help reduce the lust of the men! If we are decent, if we do not have obscene thinking in our mind, it does not bother us if a nude lady is standing right in front of us. Is it really unfair to ask the ladies to cover up their hairs so that to protect themselves from being attacked by men. That is ridiculous! Why blame the lady instead of man???

All the ridiculous things that these Islamic countries do are certainly losing respect from the non-Muslim. They will think that Islam is an extreme and a barbarous religion. If Islam wants to earn more believers, Muslims should promote Islam reputation by doing good deeds such as giving respects to women, to drop the old time punishments such as 'throw stone till death' and so on. Please let the non-Muslims know what are the good teachings in Islam. That will help convince the non-Muslims to turn themselves into Muslims.

So far i think Turkey has done a good job of trying to maintain its nation status as a secular country! I think all the other Islamic countries should learn from Turkey anyway.

星期三, 七月 23, 2008


































星期日, 七月 20, 2008

华侨旗帜、民族光辉 - 陈嘉庚先生





最难能可贵的还是, 陈老先生在生意上历经波浪还是屹立不倒!他历经了数个生意危机,包括令人闻之色变、影响重大的1920年代经济大萧条!无论如何,后来他都能咬紧牙关,一一奋战到底。终于他的坚持有所回报,可谓皇天不负苦心人。要从挫折中重新爬起,说易行难,所以如能亲得陈老先生的教诲,终身必受用不尽!






星期六, 七月 19, 2008

Job is not our life!

Came across an article talking about there are more and more people not to prioritize job in their life. I like this excerpt:

In other words, I know firsthand how futile utter devotion to a job can be in the long run. I still want to do well in my job. I still want to be on the cutting edge of things. But I don’t want to work 16 hours a day to maintain that edge. It’s just not worth it. Or maybe it’s kind of worth it, but it wouldn’t win out in a head-to-head competition with my kid, my husband, my elderly father, and the rest of the hoodlums that make up my extended family.
It explains what i want to explain all this while.