显示标签为“thoughts 感想”的博文。显示所有博文
显示标签为“thoughts 感想”的博文。显示所有博文

星期一, 五月 25, 2015

Fahaman Yang Salah Tentang Atheist

Saya mendapati bahawa sesetengah orang tidak berapa faham apa maksud sebanar Atheist. Mereka anggap orang yang tidak suka/percaya kepada agama adalah golongan Atheist. Fahaman ini adalah tidak betul.

Atheist pun ada kepercayaan. Kepercayaan mereka adalah Evolution, Science dan Tiada Tuhan.

Terdapat juga orang yang mempercayai kepada Tuhan dan Nabi-Nabi. Mereka berpendapat bahawa agama itu ciptaan pengikut Nabi-Nabi demi kepentingan mereka sendiri. Kadang kala mereka saja mahukan kuasa. Nabi-nabi saja ingin menunjuk jalan ke kebenaran tetapi Nabi-nabi tidak pernah hendak mencipta agama yang bersifat Institutional. Kita tidak sepatutnya memanggil orang seperti ini sebagai Atheist. Mereka masih percaya kepada Tuhan.

星期日, 五月 24, 2015

My thought on Brains v Brawn: Why UMNO can't match LKY

This is the original article.

And here is my response:

Lee Kuan Yew himself is an intellectial as well. Don't forget that he grad from Cambridge during 50s. Our past and current PM could not match him in terms of academic achievement. 

Lee's political ideology is the Confucius kind, to rule the country with Elites or scholars. (background: China is the earliest country that took public servants by public examination at multiple levels, as early as 500AC).

As for Lee, I guess he wanted to make himself as close to emperor as possible. In the end he did not. He is excellent and that's why abit arrogant.

星期五, 五月 22, 2015





New Generation of Modern Chinese Malaysian

I came across a Facebook post of a friend's friend as follows:

I lecture in different private colleges/universities that are predominantly run by Chinese and attend by Chinese. But in one such institution I have the privilege to teach a group of MARA scholars. This group of MARA students, many of them came from not so rich family and to be able to get scholarship to go to the US to further their studies is a great opportunity that they wouldn't have if they are left alone without any government assistance. 

Now I am not here to talk about NEP or Bumiputra rights or racial discrimination etc. What I want to point out is the attitude these MARA students have compare to the group of Chinese students who come from a wealthy background. These MARA students are serious with their studies because if they don't get the grades required, they will lose their scholarship. They are diligent, hardworking, attend my class regularly, and do their work without complaining. Because of their religious up bringing, they respect me as their lecturer and elder and they produce quality work. 
Come back to the Chinese students, because they don't really need to maintain a certain grade point average (their parents will be there to support them no matter what) plus growing up in a well to do family, they basically behave like the world has owe them everything. They complain just because the lecturer refuses to give them one extra mark for them to get an "A" (which they don't really deserve one), produce mediocre work, missing classes, and rude to lecturer (I guess may be their parents allow them to answer them back rudely).

I have two points here. Whatever the scholarship or financial assistance the government is giving to the Malays, they are generally (notice I say generally) given to well deserve Malay students. And it is a joy to have them in my class. 

As for the Chinese students in my class, many of them are good students and really enjoy having them in my class. 

But many of them are also spoiled to the bones. I don't blame them. I blame it on their parents. I have no idea why modern Malaysian Chinese parents have totally lost control of their children. They are so afraid of offending their children and saying "no" or "cannot" is something absolutely haram in their children upbringing. And their children can do no wrong; it is the lecturer or the college is the one who is in the wrong, abusing their children. After all, they pay to come to the institution.
My colleague and I were discussing the above issue this morning. I told her that I am concerned because we are growing old. One day, these students with this kind of attitude will take over the country and I wonder I will be taken care of at my old age...but I do see rays of hope in our MARA scholars...Insy-Allah.
My opinion is as follows:

Religious upbringing makes the difference. Many modern Chinese families don't really stress much on religion teachings. 

Ancient Chinese were very well mannered due to strong Confucianism background but modern Chinese completely abandoned Confucianism(since early twentieth century) and they have nothing(or money) to fill in the blank and here's the result.

If you study the Peranakan, you'll find Peranakan are generally very well mannered because they still retain some of Confucianism rituals and rites.

星期一, 四月 27, 2015

National Language and Nationalism


Some Nationalism Fanatics always blindly support the idea of "citizen must be able to speak the national language at a very proficiency level". 

Let me share with you some of my thoughts on this matter. 

National language is a product of Nationalism, and Nationalism was a weapon to get rid of colonized powers. Now the colonized power has long gone. We are living in a globalization era now.

Not being able to speak the language of the majority does not mean someone is not qualified to become a citizen. Nationalism supporters always reject the idea of multi-languages and multi-culturals, such rejection is very unjust. It is unjust because they're asking the minorities to be proficient at the language of the majority. I don't think everyone will support any unjust action.

You don't use "Patriotism" to force the minorities to pick up the language of the majority. If the minorities are learning the language of the majority, certainly it is always because they want their lives to be more convenient when interacting with the majority, not because they are forced to show their "loyalty to the country". Ultimately, we're not living in a Fascist nation.

During "Zaman Kesultanan Melaka", the government did not make Bahasa "National language", and yet Bahasa still became the "Lingua Franca" in this region. Anyway, if you were living in Melaka that time, everyday you could hear more than 50 different languages spoken in the town.

The conclusion is, the more open a country is, the more the country's prospers. That's the secret of the "Zaman Kegemilangan Kesultanan Melaka". There's no reason for Nationalism supporters to go for the narrow approach. After all, these people also want to see a better Malaysia, right?

星期六, 四月 18, 2015














星期五, 四月 10, 2015

Response to Marina Mahathir's article(Diversity begins at school) on TheStar

This is the original article - Diversity begins at school

As for myself, i had not much chance to get in touch with other races during my childhood time until I grad from university.

But, I am a curious type of guy, so since young I have been reading books on different religions, I read the story of Islam ever since I was in primary school. So now I don't really have problem with people coming from different religion backgrounds.

The key is, you don't know someone, that is fine. But you don't make assumption or create stereotype on people just because you don't know.

What is the spirit of science? Don't conclude based on assumption. Do experiment to find out the truth.

As time goes by, my understanding on other religions are getting better & better. I participated in Chinese Temple procession, I participated in Christian Church's activities, I even get to participate in a few Hindu rituals and learn from a Hindu Guru.

I learnt about western philosophies as well. These ppl are real good in using human rational mind to come out with some wonderful conclusion. One such example is Ontology.

Before I enter any temple, I will always wash my face, hand and feet like what every muslim does before entering mosque. To me, there's a reason behind it, which is to get rid of any bad Qi(energy) that is attached to our body so that we will not bring the Qi to the sacred place.

The way I pray to Buddhist's Bodhisattva is almost the same as how muslim does his/her solat. Anyway I did not invent this way, it was sort of inherited.

My effort on trying to understand different religions (or philosophies) have helped me to realize one thing, that the core essence of all religions is always about Spiritual Growth of Human Being. Rituals and doctrines are just meant to be tools to help boost the faith in God which eventually helps in our spiritual growth. One can always choose a tool that is most suitable for himself/herself. How to examine the result? Very easy, just look at how you react towards unpleasant situations or words or whatever. From there, you will know your progress.

When we have attained certain spiritual level via our religion spiritual practices, we will be able to experience God's consciousness.

And I also found out that, throughout the development of each and every religion, each religion was greatly influencing each other.

As of now, you ask me what my religion is, my religion is God. And how do I strengthen my faith in God? I learn from Confucianism's sacred books.

So you see, it is one person's will whether he/she would love to explore other cultures or religions. It should be by any kind of force.Every parent just need to educate their children, there are many things in the world which seem alien to us, but we don't think bad about these, we have to know em into detail first before we make any bad assumption. And parent must always not kill their children's' curiosity. Curiosity is the one that motivate us to become someone better.

星期四, 三月 05, 2015








星期二, 二月 24, 2015





星期一, 二月 23, 2015


此文于西元二零一五年二月廿三日获刊登于《南洋商报》- 语文漫谈:不可全弃文言文





所幸,虔诚之华人佛教徒,尚能履行其宗教信仰。那些常于华人佛寺内诵经读经之人,从无数经书内习得许多汉字。日后中文解禁 ,这些华人阅读华文报刊,完全不费力。不过,由于多年所读之经典皆以文言文书写,他们反而看不惯报上某些白话文写法。






星期一, 二月 16, 2015













星期三, 二月 11, 2015





星期二, 十月 28, 2014












星期五, 九月 05, 2014


今日阅余英时先生大作,内提数世纪前欧洲基督教改革宗师庄凯文(John Calvin)之名言“combination of practical sense and cool utilitarianism with an other-worldly aim”。余深同意热爱此言,热血沸腾,欲速分享于脸书,故上网搜此名句以炒之贴之于脸书示众。一查之下,始知此句竟非出自庄凯文也,而源自德国托恩斯(Ernst Troeltsch)先生之书也。书名The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches。



星期六, 八月 16, 2014

Sedikit Sebanyak Pandangan tentang Sekolah Cina di Malaysia

Pada umunya, rakyat Malaysia amat bersopan santun dan bertimbangan rasa. Itu pencapaian yang cermelangan walaupun Malaysia terdapat pelbagai kaum yang mempunyai agama dan budaya yang berlainan di antara satu sama lain.

Tetapi terdapat juga orang yang berfikiran terlampau. Sebagai contoh , terdapat golongan yang selalu kutuk bahawa sekolah cina merosakkan perpaduan rakyat. Pendapat saya mereka ini memang berfikiran sempit dan tidak tahu apa maksud rasional.

Pertama sekali, apa salahnya kaum Tiong Hoa di Malaysia belajar bahasa cina dan belajar subjek2 lain dengan bahasa ibunda sendiri? Bukanlah sekolah Cina tidak mengajar Bahasa Malaysia! Bahasa Malaysia adalah subjek yang wajib di sekolah-sekolah Cina!

Kenapa kaum Tiong Hua di Malaysia begitu mementingkan sekolah Cina? Itu kerana kepentingan pendidikan Cina itu bagaikan pendidikan Islam kepada kaum Melayu di Malaysia! pendidikan Cina bukan setakat belajar Bahasa Cina sahaja, tetapi juga belajar ilmu-ilmu dan kebijaksanaan yang diturunkan daripada nenek-moyang. Ilmu-ilmu dan kebijaksanaan itu merupakan "pendidikan agama" bagi kaum Tiong Hoa sebab Confucianism ini walaupun tidak dianggap sebagai sesuata Agama tetapi ia mengakui kewujudan Tuhan dan memupuk nilai murni di kalangan orang sebab menjadi orang yang bernilai murni merupakan perbuatan yang disukai oleh Tuhan! Dan banyak ilmu-ilmu bagi nenek moyang kaum Tiong Hoa selalunya mempunyai unsur-unsur Confucianism.

Kebanyakan kaum Tiong Hoa di Malaysia ini menganggap mereka sebagai penganut agama Buddha tetapi ini bukan fakta. Faktanya kebanyakan adalah penganut Confucianism, Taoism dan Buddhism! Dan disebabkan Confucianism ini tidak dianggap sesuatu agama jadi jarang ada orang menyebut kepentingan Confuninism di Malaysia ini.

Sekarang kalian dah tahu kenapa kalau ada subjek Bahasa Cina di Sekolah Kebangsaan pun tidak dapat menggalakan kaum Tiong Hoa belejar di sekolah kebangsaan sebab yang saya dah katakan di atas, pendidikan Cina bukan setakat belajar Bahasa Cina sahaja. Harap Maklum.

星期日, 八月 10, 2014











星期六, 八月 09, 2014









星期二, 七月 15, 2014

Dong Zong dan PERKASA Bukan Sama Serupa

Saya rasa ada ramai orang lagi yang tidak faham apa itu Dong Zong dan mereka ingat Dong Zong ini macam "PERKASA bagi kaum Tiong Hoa".

Namun faktanya Dong Zong bukanlah PERKASA.

Dong Zong adalah terdiri daripada lembaga sekolah-sekolah Cina Malaysia. Maksud sekolah cina ialah Sekolah Persendirian Cina dan juga Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina.

Misi Dong Zong adalah untuk memastikan kedudukan pendidikan bahasa Cina di Malaysia kukuh dan terbebas daripada ancaman-ancaman dari pihak extremis yang tidak menyukai idea Pluralism dan yang berpendapat bahawa hanya satu bahasa saja yang dapat menyatukan semua rakyat Malaysia.

Pihak expremis sentiasa ingin menghapuskan pendidikan bahasa-bahasa lain untuk memastikan rakyat Malaysia hanya mengetahui satu bahasa sahaja iaitu bahasa Malaysia. Bagi pihak extremis, bahasa-bahasa lain macam bahasa Cina, bahasa Tamil, bahasa Iban dan lain-lain adalah halangan bagi perpaduan pelbagai kaum di Malaysia ini.

Pihak extremis telah mengabaikan satu fakta yang penting, iaitu nasib kaum Tiong Hoa di Indonesia. Waktu pentadbiran Suharto, pendidikan dan pengunaan bahasa Cina adalah diharamkan oleh kerajaan Suharto selama >30 tahun. Polisi ini dilaksanakan sehingga presiden Abdurrahman Wahid  memulihkan kedudukan Bahasa Cina di Indonesia.

Jadi ramai kaum Tiong Hoa terutamanya generasi baru di Indonesia sudah tidak tahu langsung bahasa Cina dan mereka sudah lama berbahasa Indonesia meskipun masa di rumah. Namun begitu, peristiwa yang melanggar ajaran Al-Quran seperti memperkosa, membunuh, merebut harta kaum Tiong Hoa masih berlaku pada tahun 1998 dan hanya kaum Tiong Hoa yang menjadi sasaran walaupun bila mereka faish bertutur dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Peristiwa anti kaum Tiong Hoa yang berlaku di Indonesia telah membukti bahawa bercakap bahasa yang sama tidak dapat menyelesaikan isu perkauman. Sebab adalah mustahil untuk semua orang berfikiran sama. Setiap orang individu yang berfikiran sendiri, bertutur bahasa yang sama tidak boleh menyatukan fikiran semua orang.

Tumpuan Dong Zong adalah pada kedudukan bahasa Cina, itu sahaja. Dong Zong mengakui  kedudukan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Negara, jadi Dong Zong tidak pernah membantah pendidikan Bahasa Malaysia di sekolah-sekolah Cina. Sebenarnya pendidikan Bahasa Malaysia di sekolah-sekolah Cina adalah amat lengkap.

Memperjuang untuk bahasa Cina bukanlah tindakan yang bersifat perkauman atau racist. Bahasa Cina bukanlah apa, cuma satu bahasa sahaja. Ada kaum Tiong Hoa yang tidak memahami langsung Bahasa Cina. Jadi bahasa Cina bukan mewakili kaum Tiong Hoa.

Sebenarnya, mana mana satu kaum pun boleh memasuki ke sekolah-sekolah Cina. Tambahan pula pelajar-pelajar sekolah Cina masih dapat belajar Bahasa Melaysia dan Bahasa English.

Pada masa kini, >10% daripada pelajar-pelajar sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina adalah kaum bukan Tiong Hoa. Ini membukti sekolah-sekolah Cina tidak pernah melarang kaum lain untuk belajar di sekolah Cina. Sekolah Cina bukan Sekolah MARA.

Saya harap pihak extremis jangan mempermainkan isu ini lagi.

星期二, 七月 08, 2014



为何白人会看不起亚裔? 因为亚裔到今天还有人为自己的英语水平不错而津津乐道啊!或还有人就直接把英语当母语。白人的自豪感,这些人是有所"贡献"的!







当 然如您所说,若那白人妇女一直以来都是反移民的,惟其国民又选出一个开放移民进来的政府,那该妇女就须服从游戏规则,除非她本身移民到一个觉得适合她的国 家。就像最近的大选,民联不可以总选票多于国阵而觉得民联才有资格当政府,因为游戏规则就是以谁得议席最多为王。这种选票与所获得议席不符的事情,也在最 近的印度选举发生也是这样。




