星期二, 一月 09, 2007











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星期二, 十二月 19, 2006

記天龍宇宙王史 - 簡介篇 - 甲



恰好朝间游出了位汉族奸臣-- 鹰扬。此人原名仇翰修,出自名门世家,家财万贯。自小就拥有远大的志向,处处表现了他的机灵与狡猾,其父见他如此,便把他送往神鹰门以让他得到管制并好好地修身养性,其师介于易于称呼,而号其鹰扬。鹰扬以为其父偏袒养子-龙九州,而深感不忿,自此思想倾向偏激,发誓要出人头地之心越盛。他天资过人,手段高超,城府又极深,很快地就得到了师傅的欢心及师兄弟的欢迎。其间鹰扬还得奇遇,得遇一神秘高人传授共工劈岳气,鹰扬野心极大,自此暗自修炼,并一心一意要超越神鹰门的任何一人。其师老来开怀,欣慰得一高徒而日后能助神鹰门名扬四海。岂知鹰扬利欲熏心,为了天龙宇宙王许诺的丞相之位,在共工劈大成后,配合当时天龙宇宙军团的力量,歼灭了反对天龙暴政的神鹰门。鹰扬为达目的,六亲不认,不择手段,利用其出色的功力,把神鹰门不降者一一屠杀。其师连同三名师兄弟联手亦不敌,结果都一一惨死于鹰扬阴阳鹰鹫爪下。鹰扬因而鱼跃龙门,一举登高成了一人之下,万人之上的宇宙丞相。不仅如此,他还身兼间谍局局长,在之后的灭邪行动中表现出色,多少正义之士介栽于其手。



It has been raining for a few days already in my hometown as well as in Kulai. This morning on the way to Singapore office, i saw some places were going to be flooded very soon. The traffic started to go slow. Luckily our(me & my colleagues) journey was considered smooth. We managed to reach our Singapore customer site at around 9.30 which my boss got an appointment with one hardware vendor at this time too. Right now i am in the Singapore office and found myself would need to record down this. I just came across the headlines over the net, wops, looks like a lot of places in Johor was flooded. I was informed via my girlfriend's call that my housing area also nearly got flooded. I wish the rain would have stopped now and can release people's trouble as we Malaysians are facing too many sad issues recently.

I wish tomorrow will not need to go over to Singapore already. In this rainy season i shall put more 'effort' in sleeping so i can get enough rest in which i have made myself exhausted throughout the rushing of the current project. I think the future will be quite kind of dim because next year they are going to make the system live and stabilize it as fast as possible. That will mean a possibility that i will be asked to get ready to support there on live! That's what i don't wish as i need to travel back and forth everyday from Kulai to Singapore. Wosh, that's crazy. Nevertheless i would see how and make the right action in correspondence to the latest situation.

星期一, 十二月 04, 2006

Another OT night

Have been working OT for many days already. When can this stop? Actually i don't mind working late if i could spend time learning something which can help improve myself. However i often found too many things for me to learn. I don't want to be specific in any single field. I want to be as "all-rounder" as possible. Hehe. It's ok. What i got to do now is to finish my task as soon as possible. I really hope my next task won't get me into time-constraint problem which results me to spend my own time just to figure out the best solutions for my company's customers. Argh, if you want to talk about professionalism, completing your task properly and fulfiling customer's needs always come first! They don't really give a damn on how much efforts you have spent. They only want to control control control the budget! What they want to see is result! Good result some more. I will tolerate for a few more months and i believe it won't take me long to get myself to the right track again. I want to improve in every sense. That's my goal. I must get myself improved all the time so that i will ensure that all these while i am not wasting my time. I am getting 25 years old next May i could not afford wasting time this way! I have to achieve some kind of level of knowledge or wisdom!

星期四, 十一月 30, 2006

世纪开源篇 - 历经光阴的幻想,脑里萦绕的世界



有说, 欲入神界,武功必强至能进入缓冲届,再在那儿历经能量撕裂的磨练,直至神界缺口大开,方能进入。至今宇宙三百六十界唯有无敌尊者孙悟空成功办到。在此请别 误会,此孙悟空非齐天大圣孙悟空也。此孙悟空乃抗天龙宇宙王的无敌义军之最高统治者也。此子天生聪明,洞察能力超强,百战百胜,一身无敌神功冠绝寰宇,作 战部署又非常之巧妙,为人有仁者心态,之所谓仁者无敌。


伟大的中华民族 - 易经说

易经,相传乃周文王所作,但已不可考。易经是体现中华民族伟大思想的一本书,其文艰辛难懂,所幸春秋战国时期有人为之作解说。我对已经了解不深,因没甚时 间去深入解读,但我以易经为荣。而我也相信这个世界乃由无到有,而有又是阴阳平衡的结合体。易经最令人惊讶的地方在于它在老早以前便发现了二进制的秘密, 多亏于有二进制的发现,而有了今日的电脑。





星期一, 十一月 27, 2006






Tired Monday

I woke up at 5 something this morning. Argh, damn tired. My eyes could hardly open. I slept on 12 something the night before! I had a regret of did not make myself to get into deep sleep as i got onto the bed, instead i read the historic book i bought a few weeks ago. So now i got to bear the consequence. Cause & Effect!! Hahaha.

I got to send my dad to JB's custom because he needed to go for routine body checkup in Singapore. The appointment was supposed to be at 9am. At around 5.45am i set out from my house. Throughout the journey my eyes were in pain so i was abit nervous that if i did not pay much attention, i could overturn my car. Lukily nothing happened. I reached JB custom safely. However, my eyes had been damn painful for the wholeday. Anyway i managed to pay attention to my work. Argh, really wish could go back and rest early today. Having a good sleep is always important to us!

星期一, 十一月 13, 2006

Furious night

I planned to go earlier tonight. The boss came up to office again after coming back from Singapore. So many years already i have been trying to withstand the inteference. I got stuck in my coding. I really wanted to go crazy. What the hell!!! Why everything started to be not so smooth all of a sudden! ARGH!!! Now is going to be 12 already!

星期四, 十一月 09, 2006

Relax moment

Today is the most relax day so far ever since i got stuck into a 'endless' trap of trying to finish the module's development & bugs fixing. For the past 5 months(Since May) i have been working like a dog and even sacrificed some precious holiday for the sake of trying to catch up the timeline. Yeah i can't deny that this is my responsibility and i do hope boss acknowledged this and award me in the coming year. What i expect is at least 2.5 months bonus. Hahaha is that alot? I don't think so because i always think that i deserve this. The efforts i have put into this project is enormous. I am not trying to be boastful but this is what really happened. The next thing i am going to do after the end of this project is to gain back my normal life. I wish i don't need to burn midnight oil anymore, i wish i can have some time on weekdays for some entertainment or exercise such as Yoga. I always want to learn Yoga, Music and lot's more. I strongly believe that human development shall not be restricted to one or two fields only. We shall expose ourselves to more fields. We shall read more books so that we can know this world better. Anyway, i hope i can now put more efforts on trying to improve my skills regardless of technically or non-technically so that i can help my company to grow faster and of course, i hope management will not take advantage on this and think that our personal time shall be given to computer as well. Let's hope for a better tomorrow.

星期三, 十月 25, 2006



从“道”里又衍生了“阴阳”。阴阳不用多说,在人类的日常生活就看出了它的存在,实例一堆。信手拈来就有“高矮”,“美丑”,“胜负”,“正反” 及等等。从这里就可知万物皆有阴阳的性质。而所谓的灰色地带是在事务的黑与白之间的互相取舍,这并不能否决了阴阳之说。

从阴阳看共产主义。共产主义是一个很好的理想。如果它能成功的实现,那将是人类史上最完美的制度。但是在过去的几十年来,好多的例子已证明了共产主义之不 可行。共产,相当于乌托邦。人民得到的财富都是均等的,在大家都满足的情况下,所谓的社会问题就不存在了,大家都能过得开开心心,欢喜度日。可是阴阳就在 在的否决了共产地实际性。阴阳本生已说明世间无平等的存在,事事都得取与舍,没有所谓免费的午餐。所以,现有的政治制度应该确保平衡于阴阳之间,而非强迫 性逼使人民相信于一种“最后解决方案”。因强逼乃过阳也。






星期三, 十月 12, 2005

A Leap in my life!

They assigned me to take charge of a new module which is considered the largest module for this project. This time the module is larger than the first one i handled. Have been going more than 10 rounds of define meeting which lasts for 2 months already. This module is supposed to come out with one scope only but due to the size of the module, we decided to break into 2 specs. One of them user has required us to start coding by next week already. Another one still needs 2 more rounds of review meeting. By then it will be in the early november already.

The whole module should be completed right before April next year. Me & my team members have been wondering whether 3 of us are able to come out with all the screens on time, some more i need to focus on design specs and a lot of documentation stuff and of course, research too to help up the speed of development. My role is very much different from that last time already. My last role was team lead too but at that time i just started to pick up team leading skills, so everything i managed can be considered quite messy.This time i hope i can do much much better than last time.

Alrite, going back soon. The time now is 11.35pm, i am in singapore waiting for my boss to go back. The reason is i am following his car to singapore and so i need to wait for him to go back kulai. Hehe, the funny thing is i have nothing else to do already out there but they still need to wait for other team to finish thier tasks first. I very very much disagree with the way they do this because I will be willing to stay only if I need to complete my things within the certain time limit, but the fact is i am doing nothing out there and they still require me to stay! Some more it is not possible I can help the other team already because what i can do is not much as i need to follow the progression stictly from the beginning of the enhancement!