星期五, 七月 10, 2015




由于公立高等学府须保留多数学额给土著,老马九十年代决定开放私人高等教育领域,美其名提供机会给非巫裔可深造,实则那些私立高等学府都是重视盈利的大公 司,股东少不了在任或过气的政治人物,学费与课程素质不成正比,最後还弄出高等教育基金,用乾坤大挪移的方式,钱从学生身上流进学府的账,学费越贵就可从 高等教育基金抽得更多,至于债,就由学生来扛。


1999年大选前,当时的选情对国阵非常不利,马来人对安华入狱事件感到非常生气。此时华团向老马呈上"诉求",老马爽快接纳。岂知大选后,国阵靠华人票 险保政权,老马此时竟然翻脸不认人,指华团都是共产党和种族主义。我当年看过在报章上刊登的诉求内容,完全都是以民主人权为主调,何来共产与种族主义?



星期四, 七月 09, 2015

哥文寧巨人霸級市場內的李伯咖啡店 Pak Li Kopitiam @ Giant Hypermarket Kemuning

此咖啡店店位于Kemuning区的巨人霸级市场(Giant Hypermarket)。







星期三, 七月 08, 2015

萬達商場“馬六甲角落” Melaka Corner @ One Utama Shopping Center


我最常到的一间喝茶地点就是Melaka Corner。我选这间是由于其本土咖啡实在一流,还胜过某些著名的连锁本土咖啡店。而且我热爱本土咖啡更­胜于卖弄外型花俏的外国咖啡。我向来觉得外国咖啡品牌的Americano还是不能与本土的咖啡屋抗衡。

Melaka Corner的奶咖啡和咖啡乌都很好喝,香浓之极,即闽南语所谓的"厚"。价钱方面也比本土咖啡品牌连锁店­便宜几毛钱。我也试过其奶茶,也很浓很好喝,可是商场内尚有另一家的奶茶比之更香浓,甚至加便宜!

Melaka Corner位处商场的走廊边。在此可以一边喝茶一边看路过的商场客。有时可以看到许多有趣的人,而热爱美­女的人更是有眼福,打扮得花枝招展的美女不时都会路过此处。所以在这里喝茶,可以提神的不仅是茶水,"眼水­"亦可提神。哈哈。


正餐时间,在Melaka Corner可看见许多顾客点"亚叁拉刹",我曾吃过,觉得不错,但并不算惊为天人,可能是因为我本身也并­不是特别喜欢亚叁拉刹这种食物。


星期二, 七月 07, 2015

The Power of Blessing

The truth about blessings is, there is nothing to bless us with. There is nothing to bless us for. We already are blessed Divine souls here. So what else is there to bless? Nothing. You feel you need blessings because you feel that you are unable to accomplish your needs and wants.

You are feeling incomplete because you do not know that you are blessed. Do you know when you can get the greatest blessing in Life? It is when you realize that you are already blessed.
When you realize that you are already blessed and that you have received the blessing, you will not seek more blessings and now you are as complete as you can be. You will realize there is nothing more to seek for. That is the power of blessings. Where does the power of blessings come from? From you, it is already in you. Realize this and you will realize that there is no need to seek something out there from the great Divine when you already have it.

So when you come and ask for blessings, what are you doing? You are asking for the removal of ignorance. You are asking for the removal of the thought process that makes you believe that you are not blessed, that you are not worthy to receive success. It is the Divine who is giving you the energy to remove your ignorance.


When you get this realization, you have received the greatest blessings in Life. When you know that you have already been blessed, you will realize in that stillness of gratitude, love, and grace of God, that God is within you, for you.

You will know.

What do you do next with this realization? Now you need to enhance that energy, by praising God. Allow Him to guide you. Why? Simple, if He knows how to create you, if He knows how to bless you, if He knows how to put you in all successive happiness, and if He is with you, it is ridiculous to walk a path without Him or with Him following us. It is also ridiculous to walk a path with Him beside us. It is only right for us to walk a path with Him leading us. That is why we call Him the Good Shepherd.

That is all you have to do.

Know that you are blessed. Know that you are already blessed with success and to be continuously successful. Know that you can achieve anything that you wish for, in this world. You pray for God’s energy to come to you, so that you can achieve something, because you believe that God’s energy empowers you to achieve anything. You know it is a done deal. You just need to intent, and it will be done.

That is why the realization of blessing is the greatest blessing that you can ever receive. Be happy with what you already have and be thankful to be given all those. Most importantly, be thankful that you are able to realize the blessings that you have. Life is, after all, simple.

- Swami Guru Sri Kriyathasa Sekar-

星期五, 七月 03, 2015

怡保南香 Nam Heong @ Ipoh








1) 承认所有圣人教的都是真理。


2) 把现有的宗教教条和〔半神话故事〕通通废除掉。


3) 保留各宗教的〔修炼〕方法,如祷告、礼拜、诵经、静坐等等。

4) 任何人都可以选择他们所想要的修炼方式。

星期四, 七月 02, 2015



此文来自Easyuni 学子可以多上这里看看。

欧洲委员会在这个月的研究里证明了在外国留学的好处。这个伊拉斯谟影响研究(Erasmus Impact Study)专注于迁移对于学生技能和受聘率的影响以及高等教育机构的国际化。这个研究显示了国外留学和受聘率有着密切的关系。


伊拉斯谟的影响研究是由一个联盟所准备的。联盟里包含了德国的CHE-Consult,布鲁塞尔的教育服务,Compostela大学集团和Erasmus Student Network所组成的。研究对象包括了接近80,000个来自于34个不同国家的学生、毕业生、高等教育机构、工作人员和就业者等。这个研究让我们发掘了很多关于国外留学和国际化高等教育的好处和影响。


1. 文化敏感培训

在国外念书、受训、工作,甚至是参加自愿服务的其中一个好处,就是让你更加了解异国的文化和习俗。在国外念书可以让你完全的融入新文化,也是一个最严苛的文化敏感训练。这个经验会让你体验家里以外的人生体验。 在国外留学的日子可以让你亲身体验新文化,所面对的挣扎都会让你更快熟悉他人的文化。在你体验更多新事物的同时,你的适应能力也会开始提升。除此之外,比起其他待在舒适地带的学生,你也会有更高的适应能力,也能够提高你熟悉其他文化的能力。


2. 培养优良的技巧




3. 提高国际经历



4. 提高就业能力


此文来自Easyuni 学子可以多上这里看看。










星期二, 六月 30, 2015





廣告: 網絡文章評選 - 如何通過自慰提高性生活質量

在网络上读到这篇文章: 如何通过自慰提高性生活质量



星期五, 六月 26, 2015

Confucius is Prophet

The following is my answer to "Why God did not send prophets to China"

God did send Prophets to China. Many. Fu Xi 伏羲, Zhou Wen Wang 周文王, Kong Zi 孔子(Confucius) are Prophets.

The reason you're asking this question is because you put a narrow definition to the word Prophet. You version of Prophet is from the Abrahamic religions.

Prophet simply means the one who is able to experience Divine's consciousness and is able to receive the divine messages from God.

Remember, God's teachings vary in different places.

Confucianism stresses the importance of Humanity rather than God because the way to become a better human is also the way to glorify God. (Heaven in Confucianism context)

Confucianism & Political System

Today I want to talk about one of my favourite topic - Confucianism. 

Confucius has always been my spiritual guide.

Confucianism says that there is only goodness in human.  There's no "sin" in us. We've given the Love from God (Tian 天、Tai Ji 太极), which is also our naturally born conscience.  

Confucianism says that the capable ones are going to be leader eventually, regardless whatever political system they're in. This is the law of nature.  Because God arranged the path for them to become the leaders. Confucianism is always about to go back to the Law of nature, which is the divine law of God.

According to Confucianism, leaders have great responsibility to the people they lead. Leaders have heavy duties to perform. Leaders themselves have to lead by example. In return their followers will pay respect to them. So it's a two way thing.

Leaders have to always stay humble all the time because God is there watching all human. God is all that is. Staying humble is also very much aligned with the law of nature. If you're not against the law of nature, then yes you're on the right path and God will always take care of you.

So, democratic or not, does not really matter. There's no perfect system. Every system has flaws and can be misused for evil purpose. Most importantly, every individual must live the "Jun Zi 君子" out from them, and get rid of the "Xiao Ren 小人" that resides within themselves.

星期三, 六月 24, 2015

Ads: Cut the crap of English-is-Everything

My company is hiring.

Benefits: 1.5 month of contractual bonus which is paid to you monthly. Insurance coverage for yourself and family members. Parking allowance is RM260 per month and it is more than enough. Data Line allowance is RM88 per month and they're talking about an adjustment to RM149 but not sure when will that happen. Employer's contribution on EPF is 14% after you finish your probation. The rest are standard stuff like claim for spectacles, dental treatment and blar blar.

Work Culture: I'm not sure about other departments. IT department is quite slow paced. Office is always 90% empty before 6pm. Once i stayed up till 6.30pm and i had a feeling that it was already 11pm or midnight. Not a place for those who love loads and loads of challenges.

My company is USA-based with offices around the world. Sometimes teleconference can be as early as 5 or 6am which is around 4 or 5pm Mountain Standard Time in USA. Sometimes it can be as late as 11pm which is the morning in Phoenix. You can attend to these calls from anywhere.

Your boss could be someone in Europe, USA or Japan or elsewhere. My boss is in Europe.

Oversea experience: You will get chance to visit Europe and USA unless you say no. Yes everything in this company is negotiable. The HR team here is very very helpful. They really take each employee as the company's asset. I can feel the difference between the HR team here with the one in my previous company which is also a MNC.

Relocation to USA: Very high chance as in just a few months we have three colleagues from the KL office chose to relocate to Phoenix, USA.

Language: This is not a place for people who loves English very very much or people who "mengagung-agungkan English". You can freely use "lah lor leh" and commit as many grammar mistakes as you can because our Angmos(White) Americans colleagues are able to understand Manglish. To them the real problem only comes when they're trying to understand what does a Japanese say in English. Anyway please don't say "I Think" too much as they will think that you really "think" only.

Work from home: Usually people get to WFH once in a month. It could be more but subject to the agreement between you and your boss.

Career Growth: Maybe you will be stagnant at one position for many years. One thing good is the C-level will visit almost all sites throughout the whole year and that's the chance for you to make them remember your name if you really want to move up the ladder.

The following are the positions available:
Program Manager
Sr HRIS Analyst
Sr Programmer Analyst
Sales Manager (Png)
Analyst Programmer
IT Helpdesk Specialists (9 positions) (English + Mandarin OR Japanese OR Vietnamese)

Like my page and leave your email at the comment section if you are keen and I will ask for the JD from HR. Thank you.