星期二, 二月 24, 2015
thoughts 感想
星期一, 二月 23, 2015

此文于西元二零一五年二月廿三日获刊登于《南洋商报》- 语文漫谈:不可全弃文言文
所幸,虔诚之华人佛教徒,尚能履行其宗教信仰。那些常于华人佛寺内诵经读经之人,从无数经书内习得许多汉字。日后中文解禁 ,这些华人阅读华文报刊,完全不费力。不过,由于多年所读之经典皆以文言文书写,他们反而看不惯报上某些白话文写法。
星期二, 二月 17, 2015
星期一, 二月 16, 2015
thoughts 感想
星期日, 二月 15, 2015
星期三, 二月 11, 2015
thoughts 感想
星期日, 二月 08, 2015
Ads: 1/3 men suffer from Prejaculation
That day I saw this advertisement in one clinic, saying that 1/3 men suffer from pr-ejaculation. I am sure these guys are pretty much depressed. Both of themselves and their sex couples are not able to enjoy Great Sex due to this.
Just few weeks ago, I have written that I have discovered a technique that allows a man to "Last Longer in Bed". I discovered that from my Spiritual Practice experience. If you know to read Chinese, you can read it here http://amadeusbv.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-way-to-long-lasting-penetration.html
What I have achieved so far is the significant increase in the numbers of times of "Penetration". Can be up to at least 400-500 times. Sometimes I just feel the pain of my Penis/Dick/Cock because of the "High Frequency Penetration". So Long-Lasting is not really a good thing also. You must remain "Moderate".
I plan to share my Long-Lasting in Bed tips with you , in exchange of money. Price is negotiable. I may even share with you for FREE if your condition is really bad and your marriage is affected by this. I am charging this because this is my Intellectual Property.
If you are keen. Just leave your comment here, or send me an email at amadeus.low@gmail.com
星期六, 二月 07, 2015
Kenapa ada Kaum Tiong Hoa tidak betutur Bahasa dengan fasih
bukan contoh yang baik sebagai "Satu Negara, Satu Bahasa". Selama berpuluh puluh tahun mereka melarang
penggunakan bahasa ibunda dengan cara zalim. Dan ia tidak membantu
perpaduan kaum langsung. Pada tahun 1998, ramai Kaum Tiong Hoa telah dibunuh
walaupun kebanyakan mereka sudah tidak tahu bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda sendiri.
Itu sebabnya apabila Gus Dur menjadi Presiden, beliau terus membatalkan larangan bahasa Tiong Hoa. Gus Dur sendiri pun tahu bahawa larangan itu tidak berperikemanusian. Beliau sebagai tokoh agama memang tidak berat hati nak meneruskan polisi yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu.
Sekarang pendidikan bahasa Tiong Hoa sudah berkembang cepat di Indonesia.
Kita dapat lihat apabila Indonesia tidak main konservatif lagi, ekonomi mereka berkembang dengan cepat. Itulah "The Power of Pluralism".
Kita tidak boleh asyik bandingkan negara kita dengan Indonesia. Kita banyak kali berjaya daripada Indonesia dalam apa-apa bidang pun.
Di antara negara ASEAN, kita hanya di belakang singapore. Sebab dari zaman merdeka sampai sekarang, kita adalah masyarakat yang Plural (walaupun ramai Orang Nasionalis tidak suka dengan ini).
Indonesia merdeka dengan perperangan, manakala kita merdeka dengan perundingan.
Cara Indonesia sudah dibuktikan tidak berkesan. Disebabkan pengunaan cara yang salah, Indonesia dipimpin oleh diktator dan telah mundur selama berpuluh-puluh tahun. Indonesia hanya mulai nak berterbang semasa zaman pemerintahan Susilo.
Bahasa adalah digunakan untuk kemudahan, bukan digunakan untuk melambangkan satu negara. Masa Kesultanan Melaka, Bahasa menjadi Lingua Franca dengan secara natural atau organik, bukan kerana ia diberi status bahasa kebangsaan.
Tapi saya boleh pasti bahawa setiap kaum Tiong Hoa mengetahui bahawa adalah suatu perkara yang bermanfaat kalau mereka dapat menguasai sebanyak bahasa yang mungkin. Tetapi ini bukan perkara yang mudah. Bukan semua orang dapat belajar bahasa asing dengan cepat.
Salah satu sebab kaum Tiong Hoa tidak dapat bertutur bahasa dengan fasih adalah mereka tidak berpeluang utk menggunakan BM sejak keluar dari sekolah menengah. Kebanyakan kaum tiong hoa mencari makan di sektor swasta dan sektor swasta sering menggunakan English sebagai bahasa pekerjaan.
Bagi kaum Tiong Hoa yg bekerja di sektor awam atau GLC, mereka dapat bertutur BM dengan baik sebab mereka hari-hari menggunakan bahasa itu. Tetapi tidak ramai kaum Tiong Hoa yang berpeluang memasuki sektor awam dan GLC sebab kebanyakan jawatan kosong adalah "reserved" untuk kaum bumiputra sahaja.
Bagi kaum Melayu, bertutur dalam BM adalah suatu perkara yang natural sebab BM merupakan bahasa ibunda mereka. Jadi kalau kaum melayu berkerja di sektor swasta yang menggunakan English, pun tidak apa, ia tidak akan menjejaskan tahap kemahiran BM mereka.
Soalan kaum Tiong Hoa tidak ingin belajar Bahasa itu tidak wujud. Mana-mana jenis sekolah tempatan pun diwajibkan oleh kerajaan untuk mengajar Bahasa Malaysia. Mungkin cara pelajaran itu kena diubah sikit supaya lebih mementingkan Pertuturan daripada Pembacaan dan Penulisan.
Pelajar yang bahasa ibundanya bukan BM (termasuk Iban, Kadazan DLL) haruslah diajar BM dengan teknik "Second Language". Teknik ini sudah dikaji dengan mendalam oleh pakar-pakar di bidang pengajaran. Teknik ini pun sedang digunakan di banyak negara.
Selain daripada itu, BM harus dijadikan Bahasa Ilmu, bukan setakat di Bidang Islam sahaja, tetapi di bidang lain seperti sains mode, agama lain, falsafah barat DLL. Bila BM sudah menjadi kuat, maka sektor swasta akan mulai menggunakan BM dengan lebih kerap. Dan pada masa itu BM akan berpeluang untuk menggantikan kedudukan English di sektor swasta.
Di samping tu, kerajaan harus mengurangkan ketidakpuashatian kaum Tiong Hoa dengan membantu rakyat secara buta kaum. Kerajaan juga harus mengambil lebih pekerja awam kaum bukan bumi.
Jarak BM dengan English memang besar sekali, jadi dalam masa yang singkat ini kita tidak dapat melihat perubahan yang besar. Tetapi kita boleh mulai dengan mengubah cara pengajaran BM dulu. (kepada mereka yang tidak cakap BM di rumah)
Pada pengetahuan saya, waktu kita merdeka, sebahagian besar ekonomi kita masih terdapat di tangan "foreign capital" selama 70%! (Saya adalah merujuk kapada statistik dalam buku - Orang Melayu: Masalah dan Masa Depan). Syarikat-syarikat besar masa itu semua dari luar negara.
Selepas kejaraan mulai beruntung besar daripada jualan Petroleum, kerajaan telah berjaya "menasionalkan" semula semua aset-aset yang terdapat di tangan syarikat luar negara itu.
Jadi pihak yang menguasai ekonomi negara kita sekarang ialah semua GLCs.
Bagi kaum Tiong Hoa, sejak dulu sampai sekarang keadaan tidak berubah, tidak menjadi lebih teruk tapi tidak menjadi lebih baik juga. Sebahagian besar kaum Tiong Hoa masih terperangkap dalam bidang SME( Small to Medium Enterprise)
Ada orang yang mengatakan bahawa Kaum Tiong Hoa tidak suka bersyukur kepada kerajaan.
Bersyukur itu memang salah satu nilai murni kaum Tiong Hoa.
Kaum Tiong Hoa biasanya bersyukur kepada Tuhan, kepada dewa-dewi, kapada ibu bapa, kawan-kawan, pekerja-pekerja DLL, cuma tidak biasa bersyukur kepad kerajaan. Peranan kerajaan adalah untuk mengendalikan negara dengan baik. Tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah kerajaan suka memainkan isu perkauman. Kadang kala strategi kerajaan hanyalah untuk membantu satu kaum sahaja, kaum lain semua tidak dapat bantuan yang sama. Dengan begitu mustahil kaum tiong hoa nak menghormati kerajaan, sebab semua orang tahu bahawa semua kaum ada orang yang memerlukan bantuan.
Bersyukur ini dari hati kita.
1) Kita tidak boleh memaksa seseorang itu bersyukur. Itu bukan syukur yang ikhlas.
2) Kita harap seseorang itu bersyukur, tetapi kita tidak rasa "shiok" jika orang itu tidak bersyukur dan kita nak menghukum orang itu sebab dia tidak bersyukur. Ini tidak betul. Ini kita panggil paksaan.
Itu sebabnya apabila Gus Dur menjadi Presiden, beliau terus membatalkan larangan bahasa Tiong Hoa. Gus Dur sendiri pun tahu bahawa larangan itu tidak berperikemanusian. Beliau sebagai tokoh agama memang tidak berat hati nak meneruskan polisi yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu.
Sekarang pendidikan bahasa Tiong Hoa sudah berkembang cepat di Indonesia.
Kita dapat lihat apabila Indonesia tidak main konservatif lagi, ekonomi mereka berkembang dengan cepat. Itulah "The Power of Pluralism".
Kita tidak boleh asyik bandingkan negara kita dengan Indonesia. Kita banyak kali berjaya daripada Indonesia dalam apa-apa bidang pun.
Di antara negara ASEAN, kita hanya di belakang singapore. Sebab dari zaman merdeka sampai sekarang, kita adalah masyarakat yang Plural (walaupun ramai Orang Nasionalis tidak suka dengan ini).
Indonesia merdeka dengan perperangan, manakala kita merdeka dengan perundingan.
Cara Indonesia sudah dibuktikan tidak berkesan. Disebabkan pengunaan cara yang salah, Indonesia dipimpin oleh diktator dan telah mundur selama berpuluh-puluh tahun. Indonesia hanya mulai nak berterbang semasa zaman pemerintahan Susilo.
Bahasa adalah digunakan untuk kemudahan, bukan digunakan untuk melambangkan satu negara. Masa Kesultanan Melaka, Bahasa menjadi Lingua Franca dengan secara natural atau organik, bukan kerana ia diberi status bahasa kebangsaan.
Tapi saya boleh pasti bahawa setiap kaum Tiong Hoa mengetahui bahawa adalah suatu perkara yang bermanfaat kalau mereka dapat menguasai sebanyak bahasa yang mungkin. Tetapi ini bukan perkara yang mudah. Bukan semua orang dapat belajar bahasa asing dengan cepat.
Salah satu sebab kaum Tiong Hoa tidak dapat bertutur bahasa dengan fasih adalah mereka tidak berpeluang utk menggunakan BM sejak keluar dari sekolah menengah. Kebanyakan kaum tiong hoa mencari makan di sektor swasta dan sektor swasta sering menggunakan English sebagai bahasa pekerjaan.
Bagi kaum Tiong Hoa yg bekerja di sektor awam atau GLC, mereka dapat bertutur BM dengan baik sebab mereka hari-hari menggunakan bahasa itu. Tetapi tidak ramai kaum Tiong Hoa yang berpeluang memasuki sektor awam dan GLC sebab kebanyakan jawatan kosong adalah "reserved" untuk kaum bumiputra sahaja.
Bagi kaum Melayu, bertutur dalam BM adalah suatu perkara yang natural sebab BM merupakan bahasa ibunda mereka. Jadi kalau kaum melayu berkerja di sektor swasta yang menggunakan English, pun tidak apa, ia tidak akan menjejaskan tahap kemahiran BM mereka.
Soalan kaum Tiong Hoa tidak ingin belajar Bahasa itu tidak wujud. Mana-mana jenis sekolah tempatan pun diwajibkan oleh kerajaan untuk mengajar Bahasa Malaysia. Mungkin cara pelajaran itu kena diubah sikit supaya lebih mementingkan Pertuturan daripada Pembacaan dan Penulisan.
Pelajar yang bahasa ibundanya bukan BM (termasuk Iban, Kadazan DLL) haruslah diajar BM dengan teknik "Second Language". Teknik ini sudah dikaji dengan mendalam oleh pakar-pakar di bidang pengajaran. Teknik ini pun sedang digunakan di banyak negara.
Selain daripada itu, BM harus dijadikan Bahasa Ilmu, bukan setakat di Bidang Islam sahaja, tetapi di bidang lain seperti sains mode, agama lain, falsafah barat DLL. Bila BM sudah menjadi kuat, maka sektor swasta akan mulai menggunakan BM dengan lebih kerap. Dan pada masa itu BM akan berpeluang untuk menggantikan kedudukan English di sektor swasta.
Di samping tu, kerajaan harus mengurangkan ketidakpuashatian kaum Tiong Hoa dengan membantu rakyat secara buta kaum. Kerajaan juga harus mengambil lebih pekerja awam kaum bukan bumi.
Jarak BM dengan English memang besar sekali, jadi dalam masa yang singkat ini kita tidak dapat melihat perubahan yang besar. Tetapi kita boleh mulai dengan mengubah cara pengajaran BM dulu. (kepada mereka yang tidak cakap BM di rumah)
Pada pengetahuan saya, waktu kita merdeka, sebahagian besar ekonomi kita masih terdapat di tangan "foreign capital" selama 70%! (Saya adalah merujuk kapada statistik dalam buku - Orang Melayu: Masalah dan Masa Depan). Syarikat-syarikat besar masa itu semua dari luar negara.
Selepas kejaraan mulai beruntung besar daripada jualan Petroleum, kerajaan telah berjaya "menasionalkan" semula semua aset-aset yang terdapat di tangan syarikat luar negara itu.
Jadi pihak yang menguasai ekonomi negara kita sekarang ialah semua GLCs.
Bagi kaum Tiong Hoa, sejak dulu sampai sekarang keadaan tidak berubah, tidak menjadi lebih teruk tapi tidak menjadi lebih baik juga. Sebahagian besar kaum Tiong Hoa masih terperangkap dalam bidang SME( Small to Medium Enterprise)
Ada orang yang mengatakan bahawa Kaum Tiong Hoa tidak suka bersyukur kepada kerajaan.
Bersyukur itu memang salah satu nilai murni kaum Tiong Hoa.
Kaum Tiong Hoa biasanya bersyukur kepada Tuhan, kepada dewa-dewi, kapada ibu bapa, kawan-kawan, pekerja-pekerja DLL, cuma tidak biasa bersyukur kepad kerajaan. Peranan kerajaan adalah untuk mengendalikan negara dengan baik. Tetapi apa yang berlaku ialah kerajaan suka memainkan isu perkauman. Kadang kala strategi kerajaan hanyalah untuk membantu satu kaum sahaja, kaum lain semua tidak dapat bantuan yang sama. Dengan begitu mustahil kaum tiong hoa nak menghormati kerajaan, sebab semua orang tahu bahawa semua kaum ada orang yang memerlukan bantuan.
Bersyukur ini dari hati kita.
1) Kita tidak boleh memaksa seseorang itu bersyukur. Itu bukan syukur yang ikhlas.
2) Kita harap seseorang itu bersyukur, tetapi kita tidak rasa "shiok" jika orang itu tidak bersyukur dan kita nak menghukum orang itu sebab dia tidak bersyukur. Ini tidak betul. Ini kita panggil paksaan.
Why some Chinese Malaysian don't speak BM fluently
We use language for our convenience (and mother tongue is for us to know our root).
Knowing as many languages as possible is confirmed beneficial to
everyone. Everyone knows about this and acknowledges this. Unfortunately it is
always not easy to pick up a new language because everyone has different language learning ability.
Things have turned bad when a language is being used as a National Symbol. And this is not going to help. Let me take one closest example, during the era of Kesultanan Melaka, Bahasa became the "Lingua Franca" in this region naturally, not because it was granted the status as "Bahasa Kebangsaan" then only it became the Lingua Franca.
The sense of patriotism is not really important because what matters most is YOUR life journey. As I understand, the concept of Nationalism is even not encouraged in some religions such as Islam because such concept can be manipulated to oppress a certain group of people. Nationalism is a young thing. It was used to "unite people" to fight the colonized power. Now the colonized power has gone, the spirit of nationalism is gone as well.
Malaysia has been progressing very well since independence because we are a country of multi-cultural, multi-religions and multi-languages (Of course all this while some Nationalist don't really like this and they are still trying to change the face of Malaysia). Among all ASEAN countries, we are only behind Singapore. Those "One language" nations such as Indonesia were stuck in deep shite for many decades due to their "mono" policy. Fortunately their newer leaders saw the importance of "pluralism" and hence lifted all the barbaric language-ban policy (Indonesia President Gus Dur abandoned the Chinese language ban), and since then these nations started growing fast and now they are even chasing us. Now the Chinese education in Indonesia is growing very fast. There is even a University in Thailand that uses Chinese as the teaching medium.
Some Chinese do not speak good Bahasa simply because they have no chance to practice it after graduated from secondary schools. For those Chinese who managed to work in Government or GLCs, where Bahasa is the primary work language, they can speak very good Bahasa because they are using the language daily. The thing is not many Chinese get to join Government and GLCs as most of the positions are reserved for Bumiputra only.
Therefore a lot of Chinese have to "cari makan" in the private sectors. And everybody knows that English is the primary work language in the private sectors. To the Malays, it is not a problem for them to work in private sectors because their mother tongue is Bahasa. They still have much chance to use Bahasa in their daily lives.
To increase the importance of Bahasa, Bahasa has to first become a "knowledge language". Books published in Bahasa should cover many areas such as modern science, western philosophies, eastern religions, new age beliefs, personal development and etc, don't just cover Islam only. Bahasa readers must be able to find books or articles written in Bahasa in their area of interest. Of course this is for long term, the ultimate goal is to replace English as the primary work language in private sectors. English is nobody's mother tongue here in Malaysia.
Today, all types of schools in Malaysia are already forced by the government to make Bahasa Malaysia a compulsory subject. What needs to be done is to revise the course content and the teaching methods. Conversation skill should be emphasized rather than reading/writing skill, because conversation sounds more useful to students when they enter the society. We don't need to increase the number of hours to teach BM, we only need to change the way of teaching and improve the the content.
Also, for Malaysians whose mother tongue is not BM (including Iban, Kadazan, etc). BM should be taught as "Second Language" . The "Second Language" concept is not something new in the Teaching Profession, it has been widely researched and has been implemented in many countries.
Things have turned bad when a language is being used as a National Symbol. And this is not going to help. Let me take one closest example, during the era of Kesultanan Melaka, Bahasa became the "Lingua Franca" in this region naturally, not because it was granted the status as "Bahasa Kebangsaan" then only it became the Lingua Franca.
The sense of patriotism is not really important because what matters most is YOUR life journey. As I understand, the concept of Nationalism is even not encouraged in some religions such as Islam because such concept can be manipulated to oppress a certain group of people. Nationalism is a young thing. It was used to "unite people" to fight the colonized power. Now the colonized power has gone, the spirit of nationalism is gone as well.
Malaysia has been progressing very well since independence because we are a country of multi-cultural, multi-religions and multi-languages (Of course all this while some Nationalist don't really like this and they are still trying to change the face of Malaysia). Among all ASEAN countries, we are only behind Singapore. Those "One language" nations such as Indonesia were stuck in deep shite for many decades due to their "mono" policy. Fortunately their newer leaders saw the importance of "pluralism" and hence lifted all the barbaric language-ban policy (Indonesia President Gus Dur abandoned the Chinese language ban), and since then these nations started growing fast and now they are even chasing us. Now the Chinese education in Indonesia is growing very fast. There is even a University in Thailand that uses Chinese as the teaching medium.
Some Chinese do not speak good Bahasa simply because they have no chance to practice it after graduated from secondary schools. For those Chinese who managed to work in Government or GLCs, where Bahasa is the primary work language, they can speak very good Bahasa because they are using the language daily. The thing is not many Chinese get to join Government and GLCs as most of the positions are reserved for Bumiputra only.
Therefore a lot of Chinese have to "cari makan" in the private sectors. And everybody knows that English is the primary work language in the private sectors. To the Malays, it is not a problem for them to work in private sectors because their mother tongue is Bahasa. They still have much chance to use Bahasa in their daily lives.
To increase the importance of Bahasa, Bahasa has to first become a "knowledge language". Books published in Bahasa should cover many areas such as modern science, western philosophies, eastern religions, new age beliefs, personal development and etc, don't just cover Islam only. Bahasa readers must be able to find books or articles written in Bahasa in their area of interest. Of course this is for long term, the ultimate goal is to replace English as the primary work language in private sectors. English is nobody's mother tongue here in Malaysia.
Today, all types of schools in Malaysia are already forced by the government to make Bahasa Malaysia a compulsory subject. What needs to be done is to revise the course content and the teaching methods. Conversation skill should be emphasized rather than reading/writing skill, because conversation sounds more useful to students when they enter the society. We don't need to increase the number of hours to teach BM, we only need to change the way of teaching and improve the the content.
Also, for Malaysians whose mother tongue is not BM (including Iban, Kadazan, etc). BM should be taught as "Second Language" . The "Second Language" concept is not something new in the Teaching Profession, it has been widely researched and has been implemented in many countries.
Let Religion Unite, Not Divide
Let me tell you how all religions can be "united".
The true spirit of religion is not about all the doctrines, but the spiritual way to be One with the Creator.
The true spirit of religion is not about how many comrades you have? Or how many of your comrades have betrayed you. It is not a game. What matters most is YOU do not lose faith in God up to the extent that even when the world only has only 1 follower left, which is yourself, you FAITH still persists. Just look at Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad (SAW) , they started with zero follower yet they did not care, they just did what they needed to do.
When i look at different religions, including Confucianism which is traditionally not regarded as a religion, I find the beauty in each of the religion is the "way to be One with the Creator", and as a religion follower, you can do that via different ways of meditation such as the Buddhist way, the Islam way (Sufi whirling and etc), the Christian way and etc. There are so many ways. If you practice, each of it can help in your spiritual growth.
When we ignore all the religion doctrines, such as what you can do, what you cannot do, what you can eat, what you cannot eat and straight go to the method to be One with God, we will realize that there is actually no religion at all, there is only the Creator. The Creator is so near to us and we will feel religions become so minimal, sacred books become so insignificant.
A lot of religion followers read their sacred books without the right mindset. You have to first practice the ways to be One with God , then only you start reading the sacred books. This is the right sequence. By then you will have a better understanding on the content of the sacred books. This is a very scientific and rational way, which is to prove what you have learned and realize it by yourself. You do not just believe blindly in everything being told or taught.
This is the way for all religions to be One. Believe in the Creator, don't emphasize the religion(doctrines).
To end this article, religions are created by followers. Sacred books are written by followers. Prophets or Gurus never really created religions. They only passed down valuable teachings as well as the Divine Message from The Creator. Religions were created to fulfill the followers' need, especially when their Spiritual Gurus are already not around. Religions were not created for the need of Prophets, Messengers or Gurus.
The true spirit of religion is not about all the doctrines, but the spiritual way to be One with the Creator.
The true spirit of religion is not about how many comrades you have? Or how many of your comrades have betrayed you. It is not a game. What matters most is YOU do not lose faith in God up to the extent that even when the world only has only 1 follower left, which is yourself, you FAITH still persists. Just look at Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad (SAW) , they started with zero follower yet they did not care, they just did what they needed to do.
When i look at different religions, including Confucianism which is traditionally not regarded as a religion, I find the beauty in each of the religion is the "way to be One with the Creator", and as a religion follower, you can do that via different ways of meditation such as the Buddhist way, the Islam way (Sufi whirling and etc), the Christian way and etc. There are so many ways. If you practice, each of it can help in your spiritual growth.
When we ignore all the religion doctrines, such as what you can do, what you cannot do, what you can eat, what you cannot eat and straight go to the method to be One with God, we will realize that there is actually no religion at all, there is only the Creator. The Creator is so near to us and we will feel religions become so minimal, sacred books become so insignificant.
A lot of religion followers read their sacred books without the right mindset. You have to first practice the ways to be One with God , then only you start reading the sacred books. This is the right sequence. By then you will have a better understanding on the content of the sacred books. This is a very scientific and rational way, which is to prove what you have learned and realize it by yourself. You do not just believe blindly in everything being told or taught.
This is the way for all religions to be One. Believe in the Creator, don't emphasize the religion(doctrines).
To end this article, religions are created by followers. Sacred books are written by followers. Prophets or Gurus never really created religions. They only passed down valuable teachings as well as the Divine Message from The Creator. Religions were created to fulfill the followers' need, especially when their Spiritual Gurus are already not around. Religions were not created for the need of Prophets, Messengers or Gurus.
星期四, 二月 05, 2015
民联两党闹别扭,原因为何,依我浅见,三字言之 - 回教国。
星期二, 二月 03, 2015
《论语》 内孔子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也;贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是。”
星期日, 二月 01, 2015
昔加末張益記雲吞面(Yik Kee Wantan Mee @ Segamat)
View yik kee wantan mee in a larger map
View yik kee wantan mee in a larger map
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