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The post is here http://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2015/03/12/kids-should-mix-freely-to-bridge-racial-gap/
Zaid's opinion is still old and outdated. Indonesian Chinese were banned from speaking their mother tongue since 1960s. Yet they were massacred in 1998. It is very obvious that language is not the major concern of racism.
You learn language for convenience, not because to show your "patriotism". The latter is so bullshit. It is a poisonous product of Nationalism which is so outdated because the colonized power has long gone and some people still want to stick with this.
To counter Racism, you should question whether you teach your child to learn to respect "different opinions or different ways or different living styles". Do you see others are also human as you? Do you see other religions are as equally holy and TRUE as yours?
You can go on remain don't bother to understand people who are different than you, you can go on live in your own circle of same race because that is your freedom, nothing wrong about that, but you should not tease, discriminate or bully people just because they are different than you.
Most most most importantly, no race based policy should be introduced at government's level. This is the root for all the feud that are happening today.
Malaysia was British's Malaya. British gave us independence because they were under serious threat from the Communist Party. Otherwise you think why British would let us go so easily and so peacefully? And one thing for sure that our forefathers proved to British that ALL races wanted independence. UMNO alone wasn't enough to convince British to approve independence. So this is how it happened. All races back then had contributed much to our independence.
Our political system , admin system, all the infrastructure, and even the race proportions are the legacy of British , not from all the state kingdoms.
Also, please go n check the year 191x Currency Note that was printed by then Johor Kingdom. It's even got Chinese character printed on the it. Another thing to note is that Johor Sultan even formed Sistem Kangcu to get Chinese immigrants to develop Johor's agriculture. Malay back then was so open and confident. They did not request for any help from the government.
After our independence, our economy was still very much in the hand of foreigners. The statistics are available in many books, including Syed Ali Hussein's "The Future of Malay". Therefore, it is ridiculous for someone to think that Chinese was controlling Malaya's economy since independence. The biggest cake for sure reserved for the people from the Queen's land .
Malaysia government only managed to buy over all the foreign assets decades later, after the government earned much from the crude oil business. Now it's the GLCs that are controlling our economy. Most of the employees in GLCs are Malays. All the so called Chinese tycoons nowadays have to "cari makan" in oversea. It is naive for someone to think that these Chinese tycoons have chance to expand their wealth here without UMNO's intervention?
As for majority Chinese who are definitely not tycoons, they have been sacrificing a lot of their time to make their living. They dare not have so many children because they have to spend much effort in accumulating more wealth for their descendants. So there is a price to pay. As a comparison, most of the young Malay family usually want to have at least 4 kids, some even want more. Imagine the heavy expense to sustain so many mouth, it makes sense that it is more difficult for Malay family to accumulate wealth. The logic is very simple. This is very basic financial planning knowledge. Perhaps this is not a problem for people who always hope government can do anything for them whenever they're in need.
Also, some people think that Chinese were massacred in Indon because they were controlling the national wealth so the BN goverment was doing the right thing to implement "NEP". My advice to these people are, please do not think your bros and sis are "natural born killers" like those Indons. Even you yourself like killings does not mean they like too. To kill out of jealousy is inhuman and it's Haram in every religion. If you believe to kill the rich is something right, you are no different than those Indon beasts, who portrayed very very wrong image of your religion to the world.
In short, nationalists don't really care for the good for people. Nationalists only want to fulfill their ego that is shaped from the illusion that if someone from their race succeeded, they can share the glory just because they belong to the same race. This is funny, they don't even have contribution to the someone's journey of success. Don't they remember that every glory does not belong to us, but belongs to God?
Chinese early settlers did not invade this land by force, it's all the western powers that killed all the natives here. And now what? These nationalists want Chinese descendants to become as close as their own race, they want their descendants to play unfair game just for their races to catch up. Looks like this will make them happier. This type of "happiness" is all coming from their ego. I wonder if God still has a place in their heart?
I urge all these nationalists to stop being blinded by Nationalism ideology. Let me repeat, Nationalism ideology was meant to be the weapon to fight the colonized power. Your enemy has long gone. Hence the Nationalism mindset should be gone too. This ideology did not even exist only until like 100+ yrs ago. Today we are already in information era. People are talking about Globalism and Pluralism now.