Wake up people! The Mayan Calandar has a Cycle just like the Chinese Calandar too! Anyway one cycle in Chinese calendar is much shorter than one cycle in the Mayan calander. One cycle in Chinese Calander usually lasts for 60 years.
I was once 'longing' for Doomsday in year 1999. Back then the topic was so hot. I was a low esteem boy who dare not commit suicide to end my life and I was hoping the year 1999 Doomsday was going to take away my life.
It did not happen though.
This time, again the Doomsday did not happen. This time my mindset was more ready. I know that I am here on the planet EARTH to play a Role-Playing Game. I am here to experience EARTH life and one day I will be going back to MYSELF to report everything to MYSELF. Ha ha. We are going to leave EARTH one day, aren't we?
Happy New Year 2013 to all of you out there!
My resolution for year 2013 will be as follows:
1) Become a columnist!
2) Publish a book which has the collection of all my published articles based on the Tiong Hua language and culture topic!
3) To get myself closer to MYSELF!
4) Continue to grow my WEALTH to support my long term goal of setting the Tiong Hua Language & Cultural Foundation!
My long term goal will still be the same:
1) Set Up Tiong Hua Language & Cultural Foundation
2) Getting myself closer and closer to MYSELF
All the best to ME!