星期五, 七月 10, 2015

Blame Religion for All the Wrongdoing?

 (picture taken from the Internet)

There is this White American woman who posted a lot of comments blaming Islam for all the evil deeds carried out by muslim. From her comment I know that she's a victim of violent done by her muslim boy friend. No wonder she hates muslim and Islam so much. But I think it is foolish to hold on to the hatred because like what Buddha said "Having hatred is like drinking poison".  Hatred will do no good to her.

Anyway it is also irrational to blame Islam for what her muslim boyfriend did to her. But to certain extent perhaps you can say yes it's something to do with Islam as a 'religion' or 'culture'. Let me explain to you.

Like I mentioned in my earlier posts before, I 100% believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a God's messenger. I believe that all the evil deed by some muslims are certainly not something taught by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Very simple, 

Divine message is always about LOVE.

The Prophets only intended to spread their teachings to every human, the Prophets did not really intend to 'form a religion or culture'.

For Prophet Muhammad (SAW) case, he was guided by God to do many things for the people in Mekah and Madina or Arab peninsular, and that's it. Only the people after him thought that there's a need to build a "religion empire" and what's worst is they took some of His teachings and mixed and matched with Arab cultures and 'some other religions that had already existed for some time' to form some kind of 'custom'.

So you see, it's human who need to create 'religions' so that they feel they are special or more superior than others who are not in the same 'religion' as them.

As the picture tells, muslim = the one who submits to God. As long as one submits to God, he/she is known as 'muslim' in Arabian language, and that's it, that's the true meaning. Who expand the scope of 'muslim'? human.   

I hope the 'Angmo' lady will be able understand this.

